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Private homes?


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I'm hoping that since f4 has been around for a long time now, there's a mod out there somewhere to make a house or whatever MINE. My settlers OBSESS over my bed, over my rooms, sometimes sleeping and sometimes just milling around, not working. I've tried literally removing all the doors to my house and when I come back, at least one is somehow in my room and (only in sanctuary) on the roof! My home seems more important than their assigned jobs and beds, somehow. I switched houses, moved all my stuff, took down all the doors, and when I came back, found that they began obsessing over that one! They have their own beds, homes, jobs. Any mods found a solution yet?

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Go to the Nexus mods Fallout 4 page and type Lock D , in the search box. I only used the D instead of Doors because the results are better. That gets about 55 mods pop up. Click the search button. There are a bunch of mods that do what you want, although most don't. Some work better than others. But it gives you choices.

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Unfortunately, If actually removing all the doors and entryways doesn't stop them, locking the doors won't either. These guys have super powers, same way they get up on the roof without stairs I guess. The game must just teleport them to locations every time I arrive at a settlement, because they sometimes are in places that they had no way to get to. Weirdly this is worse in the sanctuary houses than anywhere else in the game that I've seen.

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The mod linked by Dante works, though a bit sporadically at times. If you are in build mode, where the markers are visible, they aren't active and settlers may wander in and get in the way. It's also hard to judge placement at times, because it appears the effect is circular but the mod is described as covering standard square floor pieces. And you need to cover the entire floor you want private. Just blocking doors or stairs won't work because of magic settler teleport powers.


Also, despite what the author says, the small ones just might reach the floor underneath. What happens is that the effect doesn't actually reach the bottom floor, but it does sometimes reach down far enough to hit settlers in the head, which causes them to be moved.

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