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What difficulty do you guys play on? cause legendaty is hard


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Just wondering how everyone plays on modes like legendary. I am going through on Master mode right now playing a onehandedmace/destruction/alteration battlemage. I have my skyrim modded all to hell with stuff like ace combat, most of the GEM stuff, etc.


I find on legendary I sit there smacking a bandit around for like an hour just to kill him. And if he hits me its over instantly.


Now on master mode, I feel challenged, but I also use the immersive monsters mod. when I run into these monsters, if I don't have at least two companions with me, there is no way I can kill it....poor lydia was smacked off a cliff by werewolves...

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I find Bethesda's difficulty system utterly ridiculous it is so out of balance and so thus use Mods instead to create a challenging game. I used to play on Master until a very telling incident which was so laughable it was just so wrong....My Dovah in highly Smithed full Light Armor...complete set....with a Heavy Mod Bow (smithed) equal to an Ebony Bow with Ebony Arrows...facing off against an opponent with only light unsmithed Gauntlets and Boots, with an unsmithed Hunting Bow and Iron Arrows,...yet this opponent was handing out almost as much damage as my Dovah was handing him in their Bow showdown....that was beyond absurd.... :blink: ...I very much prefer realism in my game, Bethesda's difficulty system makes no sense....And so I play on Expert (sometimes Master still), but rely on Mods for the challenges and hard fights....I would not even bother with Legendary myself, the imbalance would be a complete joke.


I rarely use Followers....they just get in the way and blow cover for a Stealth Archer.

Edited by StayFrosty05
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Maybe expert is the way to go. I love followers, but god are they retards. also, my battlemage is now level 15. I have the mage armor perk, and even with my stoneflesh, I still get one shotted by bandits with bows.

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Adept - and I use mods for challenge making it actually harder than Legendary when facing a strong opponent(s). Most are AI related mods and giving opponents better equipment that would actually make sense... because a lvl25 opponent should not come at you armed with an iron dagger or wood club. Also me and NPCs deal more damage... so if I take 1 arrow to the chest I am as good as dead.



I would be happy if someone would remove "Health" alltogether. No matter how strong you get - a person would not get more "Health" ... Dragons, Mammoths, Giants, obviously should have a bit more (but nothing out of proportion)... things should scale with armor. This would make a hell of a lot more sense.


Stamina you can train, health? NO.


This whole Health thing takes the game off balance.

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usually on expert

why any higher setting is just ridiculous especially when a low level bandit can instant ly kills you with a iron sword or when a novice icemage instant fries your level 40 dragon born with a simple sparks spell


just so immersive breaking


good thing that there are some good mods out there that let you tweak the difficulty without breaking the immersion

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Lol, if you're looking for a hard way to play skyrim, the difficulty system is not to way to achieve that since you can kill anything in game with archery. It just takes time.


Download multiple AI and combat mod and create your difficulty. Balance it around adept or expert. Not mastery or legendary. These HP, damage addition for enemies are the lamest way to make your game harder.

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The way I approach the difficulty settings is to change them as my character gets more powerful. I only use combat-related mods like Deadly Dragons, Dragon Combat Overhaul, Immersive Creatures,* Better Magic, Apocalypse Spells, and Improved Dragon Shouts. Also, I rarely if ever use health potions. You can essentially break the game by just spamming as many as you can carry any time you're about to die, which completely removes all difficulty. The way I see it, if I have to use health potions to survive a fight, I didn't win the fight.


I always start a new game at Expert. At that setting, the enemies you fight early on can sometimes be tough but never to the point where you have to rely on cheap exploits (e.g. spamming health potions) to beat them. The beginning of the game is much harder than the rest of it, assuming you're building your character for success (e.g. not investing perks in speech, lockpicking, or pickpocketing). When my character starts getting close to the armor and magic resistance caps**--depending on the build, this happens somewhere between level 30 to 40--I bump the difficulty to Master. I recently bumped the difficulty to Legendary with my level 45 mace-and-board dark paladin character, because even Master difficulty was getting too easy for her. Legendary is keeping things interesting, despite some of the damage-sponge enemies. They aren't terribly hard, just annoying because they take forever to die.



*About Immersive Creatures: if you want the enemies from this mod to be more balanced compared to the vanilla enemies, I find that you should use MCM to remove all their extra bonuses to health, damage, etc and set their difficulty level to one level below to whatever you have the vanilla difficulty set. By default, the enemies from that mod are much more powerful than vanilla enemies, sometimes ridiculously so (e.g. Draugr bosses that can one-shot a 500+ HP warrior at the armor cap).


**The key to surviving at higher difficulties is defense, defense, defense. Focus on boosting health when you level up (magicka if using a mage, too). Stamina is nice for a warrior but nowhere near as important as health. The magic resistance cap is 85%--try to hit this cap as early as you can through alteration, Lord stone, Agent of Mara, enchantments, racial bonuses, and so forth.

Edited by dukesilver28
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Right now, I'm trying out Lengendary with a mage. It feels to be more frustrating than challenging, so far.


Its how they implement "difficulty"; simple damage ratio changes are "okay" at lower levels, but something else HAS to change around the Master level. On Master, I had to, literally, sneak around everywhere with enhanced Mage Armor spells active trying to prevent that surprise 1-shot. That doesn't work on Legendary. I would like at least a chance at combat.


Even on Master, the game was more about followers than my character. Legendary is ALL about followers; the player simply cannot deal/take enough damage to actually contribute anything. Its like watching a bad fantasy movie, rather than participating in one. ;)


I'm just about ready to go to a battlemage character, but my RPG enjoyment primarily comes from pure mage type characters. Oh, well. We'll see what happens; I usually "stumble upon" the secrets to higher difficulty settings anyways. Perhaps I'll "stumble" onto the secrets of Legendary. If I can stand it long enough.

Edited by Lord Garon
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