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I think the easiest way to accomplish this would be fore the MQ to be disabled but have the Dovahkiin appear at several points in the game and have the player run into them. Eg, if you go to Whiterun at Level 40, you might see Odahviig stuck in the trap. Or Level 15, you watch the dragon at the Watch Tower die.

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  • 3 years later...

i agree and have other ideas


alternate start i arrived after alduin and miraak were defeated :


tale of tthe tongues unlocked


dialogue lines that refers to you as the dragonborn removed


remove the elder scrolls dragon as a dawnguard quest requirement


lydia is the dragonborn's girlfriend so we need another huscarl and player home


free acces to solstheim reorganize some quests and remove dialogues about miraak and the dragonborn


some cities given to empire and other to stormcloaks because the main quest if you do not the civil war


i hope someone will be interested

Edited by agge92x
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  • 9 months later...

I think the part about creating another dragonborn running around and occassionally requiring the player's involvement is easy. At least easier than going through the great length to stop people referring the player as Dragonborn and offering you quests. This I think is the hard part.

What about the shouts? Remove this ability entirely I suppose? Quests can be auto completed with clues given to the players the changes in the world in regard of Dragonborn progress. Like he finally killed the first dragon outside Whiterun, the Blades discovered their hero, etc... I guess the civil war is not really part of Dragonborn quest. We can finish that. Auto complete quest is easy (can be done with console commands altering quest state), how to let us players know what is happening can be a lot of work.

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I was thinking... what if player could somehow join Blades? You know... they heard about warrior/mage/whatever killing dragons, but obviously we couldn't absorb souls... SO they decide we could be vital part of their group.

Optionaly we could make Dragonborn life easier by sparing him some armor, weapons, potions, and he would perhaps teach us some shouts for our help (like, you know, greybeards can give you their interpretation of their shouts when we are Dragonborn). Maybe learning those shouts wouldn't be instant like for him, but he would help us better understand those shouts and after a while we would use learned throgh him shouts.

Maybe we could be able to propose him what shouts and items he/she should use on his/her travels if we are member of Blades (like a good friend).

We could let him know about shout locations and mark them on his map (just give dialogue that we are giving those locations to him).


WHAT IF there is more than one Dragonborn. Maybe there would be option that we are ALSO a Dragonborn, but not as talented as the other guy. Maybe we are the main Dragonborn but then the other one would not be as talented as we (in that case mod would just add another guy who just so happens to be Dragonborn as well, maybe when WE are Dragonborn we could teach other people we choose shouts we would like them to use (Imagine Lidia Fusing us from clif as revenge for all that times we did that to her, or more likely - actually helping us with pushing enemies out of our way).


If we are Dragonborn, what if the other guy was Evil Dragonborn we would need to fight with, but he would be esencial so he is constantly putting challenge for us (or be like rival, none of us would be able to kill eachother, it would be more of a rival battle from time to time, he would level with us), after each fight loser gives one of his Dragonsouls to winner, for example.

What if WE are evil and we have option to kill the other Dragonborn, so either WE kill Alduin themself or just let him eat the world? What if we join Alduin?


Maybe we don't need to be Dragonborn nescessary to kill other Dragonborn, just need to join Alduin? Perhaps there is someone else who will stop him from eating world anyway, but we don't know about it untill someone actually do this?


All of this would be interesting to try out as alternative storyline, but I know it would also take hell a lot of time to program too.


And there is also question "what about people who don't own DLC's?", do we need both DLC, or just Dragonborn because it affects story about being Dragonborn directly. Or maybe option to not need DLC at all so all people would play this mod?

Soo many questions...

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