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Tribunal, Dark Brotherhood Glitch


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I'm going through the dark brother quest in tribunal and when I get to the old manor district in the sewars, and find that one guy without the mask who has the bow...Not sure who he is...After getting his health to about half way, he says something about "how dare you enter the lair of the dark brother hood, we'll finish our mission right here and now blah blah"


The glitch is that this dialogue gets caught in an endless loop, and the box gets filled with this message, and everytime you hit goodbye it just instantly pops up and floods up with the message again. It's impossible to get it to go away, and everything goes slow because it's being generated over and over so fast. Usually it results in the game crashing after trying to re-load or something.


Could there be a console fix for this or something? Maybe some way I could kill the guy instantly so he cant say that thingy?

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This has been answered like 3 times before. Please use the Search feature (just get the name of the guy, set the feature to 30 days and older and enter his name).



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