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No Death mod or Death is Highly Overrated?


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I'm about to go through requiem so I'm doing a bit more of a hardcore experience. I want a mod that's going to make me think twice about being stupid and dying simply cuz I quicksaved before. These are the only two mods out there that really address this...any suggestions on which I should choose??? Thanks!

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Well, Requiem does make you think twice before charging in, because you will die. Horribly. Many times.


In all honesty, the only real viable profession in Requiem is an archer, because that's the only way you can counter enemy archers and mages. If you like that kind of hardcore-ness, then go ahead. You won't need any other mods. :)

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Well, Requiem does make you think twice before charging in, because you will die. Horribly. Many times.


In all honesty, the only real viable profession in Requiem is an archer, because that's the only way you can counter enemy archers and mages. If you like that kind of hardcore-ness, then go ahead. You won't need any other mods. :smile:

I'm actually gonna play a sneaky archer. Or maybe a mage I haven't decided haha but if I need to cut weapon damage down I will there's a plugin for that. You can also nerf enemy archer aim. Reloading save games is just immersion-breaking for me.

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Mm.. Two mods that address it? Could you tell which mods? As I know some, but I am not sure if you already know those.

I only know of the No Death Mod and Death is Highly Overrated.



.. I feel stupid.

I thought it was supposed to be just catchy title for thread, didn't realize it was the name of the two mods.

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Play in Dead is Dead mode. Many people do and it makes experience much more intense and satisfying.

Basically if you die, game over and all character saves are deleted. I dont recommend playing it with Requiem though. SkyRe + Morrowloot + some other hardcore mods and Adept difficulty is the best

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