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Follower won't heal anymore


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Hello everybody,


I just got the UFO (Ultimate Follower Overhaul) Mod, which fits me like a suit.

Although I noticed that Vorstag, the mercenary from Markath, will not heal himself anymore.


I am given the opportunity to make him essential, but I like the challenge of keeping my followers safe.

However, if I choose to make him essential, he will heal as he normally would.


I disabled UFO and that solved the problem, but I believe this is not how it's supposed to be.

My other followers will heal. (Sven, Cosnach)




My other mods are:


-Followers can relax

-Move it Dammit

-Tytanis Overhaul


together with the official add-ons.


Anyone any idea what to do?





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figured out that it clearly was UFO causing this trouble.


I replaced it with some other multiple-followers-mod and the problem is gone.


Wonder if anyone else faced that problem, since UFO seems to be a very popular mod..

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Npcs only heal if they have the essential or the protected flag, that includes followers too.

When you choose the option in UFO to remove their essential status you are removing their ability to heal too, it's hardcoded in the game.

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I found UFO incredibly buggy and unreliable. I know I may have just had it conflicting with something, but meh didn't enhance the game enough to figure it out

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I found UFO incredibly buggy and unreliable. I know I may have just had it conflicting with something, but meh didn't enhance the game enough to figure it out


I haven't had bugs with it.

Besides, this particular "bug" isn't UFO's fault. It's something Bethesda put into the core coding of the game, and as far as I know can't be changed. UFO just highlights it by allowing the player to toggle NPCs between essential and nonessential.

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