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Performance-Based ENB?


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Would this be the notebook here?

If so it doesn't appear to have a dedicated graphics card. This means that you most likely have either intel 3000 or 4000 intergrated graphics - probably not the best if you want to run an ENB.


That's it spec-for-spec, save for the OS, which I have to assume was upgraded on the tail-end of Windows 7's lifespan.


Yeah, I've pretty much figured out that I'm not going to be able to really enhance the graphics any further. At this point, I just want to maximise my poor little computer's performance as much as possible.

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You'd be better off getting Realistic Lighting Overhaul and then creating your own imagespace modifier in the CK.


That's what I did, and my Skyrim looks much better than most of the ENBs that are kicking around. No performance loss, either.

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To be honest it's like a fine art to get it right and wouldn't recommend without some sort of modding experience. I would go through the guide I referenced first (yes it's lengthy but a little education and customization goes a long way) then have a go at the less demanding ENB mods.


EDIT: If you use ati rather than nvidia drivers expect pain when using enb, they are so not made for them!

Edited by Ironman5000
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Would this be the notebook here?

If so it doesn't appear to have a dedicated graphics card. This means that you most likely have either intel 3000 or 4000 intergrated graphics - probably not the best if you want to run an ENB.


That's it spec-for-spec, save for the OS, which I have to assume was upgraded on the tail-end of Windows 7's lifespan.


Yeah, I've pretty much figured out that I'm not going to be able to really enhance the graphics any further. At this point, I just want to maximise my poor little computer's performance as much as possible.



You'd be better off using other graphics mods than ENB, considering even setting bfloatpointrendertarget=1 in your Skyrimprefs.ini has a noticeable performance drop on weak PCs. Shameless self promotion:


Edited by Rennn
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