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Plugin to allow plugins to be plugged into it?


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Well, I am reaching my mod limit of 255, and this got me thinking.

I know 255 plugin limit is hardcoded and can't be changed. I know there's a way to merge mods, albeit crude, and there might be a tool in the works to let you do it easily. But is it theoretically possible within the current framework to create plugins that allow other plugins to be plugged into it, which than plugs into Skyrim?

It seems like something like this might let you get around 255 mod limit.

Of course, I know nothing about programming, so I am just hypothesizing and conjecturing as a complete outsider to the principle.

Based on the way I understand Skyprocc plugins work, it doesn't sound like a complete impossibility. Or I may not be having any idea about what the h--- I am talking about.

Can someone who would know the answer tell me? That'll give me something to hope for or at least stop dreaming.


There are just so many mods that I wanna install. It all goes to show how creative and talented the modders are. Shame I can't easily try them all, what with Skyrim not liking easy mod install/uninstalls.

Edited by tillicollpase
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From my understanding, the only real way to get past the 255 limit is by merging your mods together to stay as far away from the limit as possible. Mods which add a lot of plugins (Such as SkyRe) you could in theory Merge down into a single ESP. (The tricky bit I could see happening is defining new Masters if those EPS's have multiple)


That's my knowledge on the subject, I'm sure someone else may have a better explanation or even possibly a work around. :smile:


Edited by JC12
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yea way around is to merge plugins indeed. You can also reduce some .esp's which are only used to activate a .bsa (the .esp only contains a file header, nothing else)... you can add those .bsa's to the skyrim.ini archieve files and remove the esp's from your load order as well...


Other than that... see if you can weed out crap you dont use... 255 mods is a lot and I doubt you actually use all 255 of them.

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