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Priest/Nun Companion.


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I addressed this in my other thread(Vegas Mod Ideas) but i really think it would be a good companion to have.

I mean think about it. Having a religous companion who wants to kill the legion and attone for his own sins. Be pretty badass. Be like a mix of Joushua Graham, Daniel, Eligah, and Gannon and ya got yourself a companion

Does anyone else think like a nun or a priest following ya would be cool?


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Not to sure about that Gannon is preachy enough for me lol. Now on the other hand "Two Mules for Sister Sara" companion quest mod would be awesome! ^^

Now see thats my point A nun whose badass would be a great little companion. But in terms of the priest I wouldnt want him to be preachy more like Fr. Rawlings in Jericho or Graham. Silent and only priest by name not action. Maybe say something in latin once in while. Hell I just like the idea of an aging priest with a chip on his shoulder and a magnum revolver going around and killing things with ya while giving ya advice. For example:

Maybe when you are in New Vegas he asks you if you are sure you want to take revenge on Benny? As violence only causes more violence among the people of the Wasteland.

Ya know giving you little peices of advice when asked for it.

As for the Nun companion like ya said Two Mules for sister Sara like character would be a good companion. Another good idea would be someone similar to Sister Eda from the Black lagoon anime(look her up if ya dont know what i mean)

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Definitely a strong tradition of the gun slinging priest in westerns. Wasteland 2 has one such character (jump about 45 seconds into the youtube vid) that's a great example.








And there are already assets for a priest & nun on Nexus (from the FO3 ver). It would be a much better mod though if someone could voice it.

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Exactly. But we would be looking for someone who's voice sounds right. Something like a deep southern voice. But thats just a thought. And like ya said Bad ass priests are in a lot of westerns and games. Furthermore I think that it would add some reasons to question your actions in the game. Like i have a few ideas for dialogue for him. E.g:

Priest: What will you do when you find the man who shot you? Killing him wont solve anything. It will only give you a moment of satisfaction. Vengence is not the way My boy.


-In battle-

God forgive me.

God have mercy on your soul.

The lord will judge you.



-In casinos-

Mind if I wait outside? This place makes me uncomfortable.


What ya think?

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Exactly. But we would be looking for someone who's voice sounds right. Something like a deep southern voice. But thats just a thought.

A Southern Baptist remnant, akin to the Mormon remnant in Zion? If that's the case you may want to add a back story/quest that explains his travels to the west (perhaps a wrong that must be righted) and would earn his loyalty as a companion (ie his companion quest, they all seem to have them).


And like ya said Bad ass priests are in a lot of westerns and games. Furthermore I think that it would add some reasons to question your actions in the game. Like i have a few ideas for dialogue for him. E.g:

You may want to make that more of dual character. So that most of the time he is like that, but if he sees innocents killed, tortured etc. he brings the riotous fury. You'v probably heard the term in re: to baptist being "hellfire and brimstone preachers"?


A practical way to demonstrate that would be combat barks that are more old testament/aggressive. Smiting with gods hand, back to the hellfires from whence you came etc etc.


It might also be good to have a secondary, unspoken story line dynamic, where the preacher sees himself as the players shepherd, guiding a man (or woman if the courier is female) of greatness on a riotous path so that he doesn't fall under the sway of darkness and become a scourge of the land. After all hero's stand much taller and fall much harder when they topple.


Another personality/story line hook could regard technology. The world was brought low by the hand of man, specifically technology, so he may preach against the advanced tech (especially advance weapons like nukes, FEV virus, etc. Anything that to him would seem like playing god.


There's another sub plot that ties into the above, and that would regard mutants. Are they woebegone victims of man's folly or does he see them as tied into the end times prophecy. If the latter he may interpret them as Satan's fallen angels (revelations after the war in Heaven), which would fit something like supermutants to some degree as well as Elohim (the offspring of angels and mankind) An aspect that could be used to soften this approach is that some believe (can't recall who at the moment) that even fallen angels can eventually be saved.


To have the above work, you'd have to have him believe he is in the end times timeline, well after the rapture, but before the return of the messiah on earth. As such he'd see it as his mission to redeem the souls still left that were not raptured a sort of last chance.



Priest: What will you do when you find the man who shot you? Killing him wont solve anything. It will only give you a moment of satisfaction. Vengence is not the way My boy.

Sure that's a good one, another might be "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, and we already tread a land of darkness"


-In battle-

God forgive me.

God have mercy on your soul.

The lord will judge you.



it might be possible to do a simple condition with a (albeit large) form list so that he can have the fire and brimstone combat barks reserved for those he deems the worst and the combat barks you list above for when he must kill and regrets having to take the life of.



-In casinos-

Mind if I wait outside? This place makes me uncomfortable.



Sounds good, another might be "Gomorrha like it's namesake, is truly the belly of the beast"


What ya think?



Well I'v done full companion's (dialog quests the whole shebang), it's a pain, but if it's a good character it would be worth the work.


Still need to work on the nun though.

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Exactly. But we would be looking for someone who's voice sounds right. Something like a deep southern voice. But thats just a thought.

A Southern Baptist remnant, akin to the Mormon remnant in Zion? If that's the case you may want to add a back story/quest that explains his travels to the west (perhaps a wrong that must be righted) and would earn his loyalty as a companion (ie his companion quest, they all seem to have them).


And like ya said Bad ass priests are in a lot of westerns and games. Furthermore I think that it would add some reasons to question your actions in the game. Like i have a few ideas for dialogue for him. E.g:

You may want to make that more of dual character. So that most of the time he is like that, but if he sees innocents killed, tortured etc. he brings the riotous fury. You'v probably heard the term in re: to baptist being "hellfire and brimstone preachers"?


A practical way to demonstrate that would be combat barks that are more old testament/aggressive. Smiting with gods hand, back to the hellfires from whence you came etc etc.


It might also be good to have a secondary, unspoken story line dynamic, where the preacher sees himself as the players shepherd, guiding a man (or woman if the courier is female) of greatness on a riotous path so that he doesn't fall under the sway of darkness and become a scourge of the land. After all hero's stand much taller and fall much harder when they topple.


Another personality/story line hook could regard technology. The world was brought low by the hand of man, specifically technology, so he may preach against the advanced tech (especially advance weapons like nukes, FEV virus, etc. Anything that to him would seem like playing god.


There's another sub plot that ties into the above, and that would regard mutants. Are they woebegone victims of man's folly or does he see them as tied into the end times prophecy. If the latter he may interpret them as Satan's fallen angels (revelations after the war in Heaven), which would fit something like supermutants to some degree as well as Elohim (the offspring of angels and mankind) An aspect that could be used to soften this approach is that some believe (can't recall who at the moment) that even fallen angels can eventually be saved.


To have the above work, you'd have to have him believe he is in the end times timeline, well after the rapture, but before the return of the messiah on earth. As such he'd see it as his mission to redeem the souls still left that were not raptured a sort of last chance.



Priest: What will you do when you find the man who shot you? Killing him wont solve anything. It will only give you a moment of satisfaction. Vengence is not the way My boy.

Sure that's a good one, another might be "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, and we already tread a land of darkness"


-In battle-

God forgive me.

God have mercy on your soul.

The lord will judge you.



it might be possible to do a simple condition with a (albeit large) form list so that he can have the fire and brimstone combat barks reserved for those he deems the worst and the combat barks you list above for when he must kill and regrets having to take the life of.



-In casinos-

Mind if I wait outside? This place makes me uncomfortable.



Sounds good, another might be "Gomorrha like it's namesake, is truly the belly of the beast"


What ya think?



Well I'v done full companion's (dialog quests the whole shebang), it's a pain, but if it's a good character it would be worth the work.


Still need to work on the nun though.

Thanks. Im also thinking that it would be cool if he said some small religous phrasing in Latin.

Original idea for the backstory was as follows(Put simply)

He was a member of Ceasars legion when it had started but abandoned that after they had killed a family (except for a young girl who they were planning to take back and turn her into a pleasure girl for the troops)

This causes him to loose it and kill off his troops while faking his own death. He brought the girl to a town far from the legion.

He left the mojave for a number of years and became a priest in order to repent for his sins as a member of the legion.

He is capable of speaking latin and does so after some fights with his opponents.

His quest involves apologising to that little girl whose life he ruined and she lives in the town of Goodsprings. (This can only be done when certain conditions are met. Such as bringing him to vegas and confronting Benny)


Here is one idea for the nun.

The Nun now would be a nun only by name. (Random name to put on her for the time being) Sister Maria, is a drinking, smoking, swearing Tomboy who only loves two things. Money and booze. She does however take it serouisly when you discuss religion with her. She has lost her faith but shes not exactly easy on those who think she has wasted her life. She is found in the Atomic wrangler drinking her cares away.

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