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The Kingdom of Nexonia - Auriana's Court RP


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The captain waited quietly by the fire as reports of far too many curious eyes being spotted was relayed. Erin walked up and said " I've brought the Countess and we seem to have uninvited guests, I can smell a mangy cat who obviously hasn't had a bath in weeks. Worse than that there is some fool lunatic blundering out there making enough racket to wake the dead." The captain mused for a moment then replied " Take her down to the longboat, we shall depart immediately." The Captain threw his cigar into the fire in disgust, and strode down to the boat. "Are all aboard?". "Yes Captain" Erin replied. "Then shove off and row for the Pegasus." he answered. Well this is a fine mess he thought but we will settle all this on board. The moon was full as the longboat approached the Pegasus and Heather was on deck and could see that much more than the captain's party was aboard. "All hands on deck" Heather shouted. The captain and the countess ascended the ladder at which point he turned to his first mate and said. "Raise anchor, make sail and escort this 'guest' to a cabin and post a guard." Heather was anxious to say something which was obvious. "Well out with it" the captain snapped. "The Goddess is aboard and I gave her your cabin" Heather said nervously. Damn he thought this is going to be a crowded ship...two women on board is bound to be twice as unlucky as one. "Fine, stow my gear in your cabin and you can bunk with Erin." He turned to Soft Paws and said sharply.."Inform the Goddess that we are under way for her Isle and at her convenience would she come up to the aft poop deck." "Send those two simpering fools Prada and Guicci to attend the Countess and lock them in together". at least they could be of some use besides ballast he thought.

The moon was visible through the clouds as the Pegasus slipped out to sea and the wind was picking up. "Erin, where the devil are you?" the captain shouted. "Up into the lookout and keep a sharp eye for Royal's" He turned to Heather and said "Have the gun crews stand ready at their stations until further notice. Wake the second watch I want the reef sails set NOW"

"Take the Countess's booty and stow it in my sea chest, then bring it up on deck and we will see what she has brought us." He turned to Soft Paws and said "Bring up a decanter of our best wine set up a table with with lite repast for the Goddess and while your at it.... my whiskey and a cigar. We have much to discuss but her comfort needs to be attended to." We must not forget the niceties but the Royal Jewels should please her at least, he thought as he turned to the helmsman Shauna Sure Foot and said.."Steer due West."


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I arrived at the seawall to late. The battered scow that was there had slipped it moorings and fled to sea just moments earlier. It seems the Lady in Waiting I was following has turned traitor and sailed off with this unknown pirate. This is a nice turn of events. Well, I suppose the pretender queen will just have to make due with one of the commoners to attend to her. I guess I'll just go back to the castle and watch the excitement as the news of these developments spread.

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His Lord raced back to the castle before the cat did, hoping that he wasn't spotted in the process, "A traitor made off with a sack of gems? Right under her majesty's nose? Heh heh heh...I'm more than certain that the Queen won't be pleased to hear about this."


He opened the door to the main hall, flushed with moonlight, and proceeded to the royal library to think by the fireplace. He found a vacant chair and a mysterious cup of hot tea waiting for him, balanced on the cushion. He thought nothing of it, as he knew that palace chefs in the past had a tendency to leave teacups where they didn't belong. He was certain that this one was the same way, although he had no proof of it, "That cat knows about the traitor as well. But why was he trailing her? Certainly not for the stolen gems; pets aren't interested in worldly possessions. Whats more is that there's a ship combing these waters, and unless the captain doesn't keep tabs on everyone who boards his boat, he's most likely in on it too. Oh dear...a rogue this near to the castle grounds?"


He took a sip of the tea with a terrible grin on his face, absolutely filled with delight, "Delicious...simply delicious. Heh heh heh...."

Edited by Keanumoreira
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"Well, I have been unceremoniously dumped into a not unattractive stateroom aboard the pirate vessel. Thus far the ship appears to be manned entirely by canines, led by a particularly lovely redhead. That is an interesting development which is fine by me. I kept my part of the bargain and delivered the castle treasures, now where, oh where, are my little treasures, Gucci and Prada???" Now that I have left the castle under these unseemly circumstances I will be at the mercy of these brigands. I so hope that they recognize my willingness, yes, even cheerful readiness to co-operate.


I am certain that I hear something in the distance that sounds very much like that Raven I heard earlier in the castle, only now she seems to have a human voice. Somehow that voice sounds vaguely familiar to me. I wonder...."


Edit: Oh joy of joys, I have just discovered that my little darlings were in here with me all along. They were snuggled together under the bed. I'm sure that fearsome pirate person with the smelly cigar must have terrified them (although I have yet to lay eyes on him myself) The rest of the crew seems ok. They are all clean and well groomed; not at all what one would expect of a group of lusty pirates. They must all be AKC registered. LOL

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Since I don't want to waste time and energy walking all the way back to the castle and I do have the ability to fast travel to places I've been to previously, I decided to return to the castle.

First the pink strips disappear, then the purple and finally the grin disappears with a "POP". Reappearance occures in the opposite order in the kitchen, since I am hungry. FIrst the grin, then the purple strips and finally the pink appear and movement is completed.


While going to the seawall, I couldn't help but to hear one of the pretender queen's minions crashing through the underbrush. When will the pinkies learn they cannot move quietly like normal beings (cats). I know I have returned before him so I will wait to see who comes in.


Well, it is the Lord of Lunacy, looking much worse for the wear. He heads straight for the library where he foolishly picks up a cup of tea that just happens to be there. Giving no thought of how it got there, who made it or even what might have been added to the tea. I will have to remember that for in the future.


I'll just settle here in the shadows and see what developes.

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The Goddess looked around the small, cramped cabin with one good eye. She fiddled with the desk and all its little drawers that kept things nicely contained and not flying about the cabin in storms. She supposed it was luxurious enough...for a ship's captain. She felt it something to be desired.


Pacing back and forth...one..two..three..turn...one...two...three..turn....


Over and over and over. The Goddess finally let out a mighty scream that sounded through the boat and made the ship rise up on a great wave. In her irritation the glamor she used to disguise her fell away and in her true form she stood.


Long, hair made of the night sky and a raven's wing that flowed down over a gown of the same hue. Skin somewhere between the color of the finest cream and winter's most white snow. Lips shaped like a perfect bow...shaded with the plumpest summer berries. As lovely as this was it could pass as an exceptional mortal...her eyes however could not. The first look showed eyes the deepest brown but once their gaze was caught they would darken....showing the stars and sun and universe at its primordial beginning. Few could meet that gaze for long without madness overtaking. All eventually succumbed.


The Goddess in her glory stood in the Captain's cabin....however the Goddess....was gloriously clumsy even and especially in this form. The great wave holding the ship up suddenly crashed it down and the Goddess tripped, falling toward the cabin door which was just being opened by the ships Captain....

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At least Her Royal Highness is pleased with the Treasure Map. Seeing that she was busy with the affairs of court, the Lord High Executioner bowed and quietly took his leave.


Carefully slip-sliding through the highly polished halls, he made his way back towards the Tower of Doom. There seemed to be an almost unprecedented flurry of activity in the grounds, with Lunatics and Ladies carrying lumpy pillows luring creeping cats towards creepy coves - Trying to rhyme that lot seemed like far too much work, so he decided to ignore it. If pressed, he could always blame it on the sausages.


He had been intending to teach Mistress Ploppy a lesson for making him sick by mincing her feet and making her cook the resulting sausages, but, on careful consideration, her vile concoctions provide a potentially useful excuse for any failure in the performance of his duties.


Once back in the tower, he relaxed, the wailing of the damned making soothing music to salve the emptiness in his skull.


Opening the door to the most secure part of the tower, behind the sign that read:



on pain of



He looked over the Legion of the Damned as they honed their fighting skills by hacking at each other's rotten flesh with rusty cutlasses.

"This is definitely shaping up to be one of my best ideas," he thought. "You need to get with the times and modernise your operation, think about your impact on the environment and recycle." The Royal Accountant never intended this when he said those fateful words, but he did have a point with that recycling remark: It was a waste, just throwing the corpses into the moat.


Raising them from their eternal repose as Undead Minions and whipping them into shape as an Army and Navy of the Damned, ready to serve her majesty at a moment's notice was definitely better for the Environment; perhaps that's what's meant by going Green, they're certainly ripe.

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The captain was pacing on the aft poop deck when suddenly the Pegasus was lifted by a sudden rogue wave that was impossibly high considering the seas were calm not a moment ago. The ship nearly foundered but barely righted itself a second before it would have passed the point of no return. The deck was still awash as the captain and crew picked themselves up, confirming his long held view that women had no place on his ship. The Goddess must be the cause of this he cursed to himself. Goddess or no this is still MY ship and there will have to be a reckoning, so now is a good time as any he thought firmly. Purposefully the captain strode below decks to have a 'chat' with her Divine Ladyship, he reached for the door and surprisingly the goddess tumbled past him head first into an open rum barrel. He laughed quietly thinking that the fates had some balance after all. The captain grabbed her by her waist and said.."don't you think the crew might want the rum without extra flavoring? I think a change of clothes is in order, you will find something in my sea chest that might suit you, we raided one of the royal drapers cargo ships last month and there is a gown or two that might fit" The goddess stomped back into the cabin and slammed the door with emphasis. Somewhat later she appeared on the upper deck in raiment more fitting to her station and seeming somewhat mollified. The captain pulled out a chair for her to sit in and said calmly, "Milady, this is still my ship and you are an honored passenger but if there is one more such incident you will spend the remainder of the voyage in your cabin..understood?" The goddes acknowledged with a barely perceptible nod of her head then turned to gaze to the chest being lugged towards them by Soft Paws.

"Now if there are no more tantrums that you need to get out of your system I have a surprise for you. I present you with the Royal Jewels of Nexonia" the captain said with a mild flourish. "These baubles should have been yours by right so we simply made that happen." With that, Soft Paws opened the chest which was filled with jewels and jewelry of all sorts, shapes and sizes.

"I believe that the Countess deVille would like sanctuary since her presence at court would now be problematic. We should make landfall in two days time and I would like to put to sea as soon as possible." The Goddess said nothing but a slight smile formed on her lips as she leaned forward to peruse her gift. The Goddess looked up and said " For this you are forgiven your impertinence my Lord Captain."

The remainder of the trip was uneventful and on the dawn of the third day the Pegasus made port at the Undying Isle. The captain turned to Heather and said, " After our guests are safely ashore make sure all provisions and repairs are completed by dusk, we need to be ready for sea by first morn's light. I have a new plan that needs to be set into motion and without any more female interference we can set to it." Heather laughed and replied "Aye, Aye captain."

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The countess (obviously she could no longer consider herself a Lady in Waiting) and her precious charges, Gucci and Prada had been shuffled out of their cabin at some ungodly hour, having gotten no sleep at all. This was due to the ship's apparent foundering in what must have been at least a level 900 typhoon!!


They were then unceremoniously booted off the ship by a sweet looking but very fierce little terrier onto an island that somehow looked vaguely familiar. Just as she was about to remark to her puppies on this, she took note of two rather startling matters.


One, the Pegasus was rapidly pulling around to the lee side of the island to prepare for a dawn departure, leaving them awash in its wake, and two, there was another personage on the shore just a few yards down the beach. She too had apparently been deposited along with a chest and various curious-looking items, and was peering at them with a baleful expression....

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Though the Goddess was pleased with the shiny bobbles she was rather annoyed at the Captain's manhandling of her. Making her behave in ways she would not do was unappealing in large doses. As such she pulled out a few fluffs of hair...found from the small, yapping dogs belonging to the strange lady on the ship. Concentrating her thoughts on the fluff and the dogs to which they belonged...the Goddess reached out to pull back time and space like the page of a book. She took a step across and formed in front of the strange lady and her yapping piles of fluff.


"You may bow now" The Goddess informed them in a bored tone...

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