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B3, Smelt Skyrim and Real Shelter (Topic Moved)


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This topic has been moved from the Skyrim Mod Author's forum to this forum for general public inquiry concerning the above named mods (my apologies to those who could not access the prior link previously used, my mistake). NOTE - Please do not post negative comments in this thread directed towards myself or staff as I would like this issue to settle down. Thank you.




Hello everyone. The above referenced mods have been removed from this site and many of you have asked why so I owe you an explanation. Aside from some minor personal gripes with management the real reason is a need for a more family friendly environment to support. The Nexus is being flooded with more and more adult-oriented and questionably crude mods, and while I can control my own filters I cannot control my children's. I cannot in good conscience support that.


So my mods will be supported on the Steam Workshop at a future date. Smelt Skyrim is already there.


Thank you for your support and encouragement and I hope my paltry skills have helped make your gaming experience better.


EDIT: The above named mods will also be posted on the TES Alliance website in the future.

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Slap in the face to everyone who doesn't use those sites and refuses to use those sites. I really hate to break it to you but the game is rated mature as in 18+ why you would let your children not of that age to play it is really beyond me and all the violence the game has is just as bad as all the sex you seek to shield your children from. Sex is in fact a natural wonderful thing that comes to creatures with age while violence within that creatures own species is a horrible terrible thing best treated with the shame it deserves,

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Good for you for standing up for own personal moral/ideas, not saying their right or wrong just applauding your dedication to your beliefs. Thanks for your efforts and hope to see more of your work on the workshop.


Those who are angry, I ask how do you justify it? This person was good enough to share their skills, they didn't have to but they did. Now your going to have a go at them because you miss out on their creativity all because for your owns personal reasons (essentially doing the same as them) you refuse to use the workshop, hypocritical much. If you want them to be open minded how about trying it yourself.


Cheers Robinsage and good luck.

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I'll just repeat what I said in the original thread:


Your choice, if you can't be bothered to ensure that your children can't access "questionable" content, that's your issue to deal with, not ours.


We have filters and blocks available (even more so lately), so it's not like we don't provide the ability to block content. If your that worried about your children viewing this site I'd recommend blocking it completely then, just on the off chance they see something you don't want them to.

As for your "minor personal gripes with management" you brought that on yourself when you decided to act up in a mod thread.


Feel free to request an account closure if the content here bother you that much.



NOTE - Please do not post negative comments in this thread directed towards myself or staff as I would like this issue to settle down. Thank you.


Then you shouldn't have posted it again. Don't want drama? Don't post drama-stirring topics.

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Well, you must do as you see fit.


I, for instance, have an ethical issue with Valve/Steam and will not support them. As a result, I have no DLC for Skyrim. (My original Skyrim CD was a Christmas present and I had no idea what "Steamworks game" actually meant.)


As a student of philosophy, I find moral and ethical boundaries very interesting. You seem to draw the the line at "adult oriented" content, but make no mention of the violence, thievery, killing, even murder, implicit in the game of Skyrim. I simply find your choice intriguing.


I hope you find places other than Steam to offer your work; my ethical boundaries will not allow me, nor my family, to deal with them.





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Good thing it will be posted on TESAlliance too. Steam Workshop is horrible.

I respect your decision but it doesn't make much sense to me. I don't understand why you can't control your childrens' filters.... And how would you stop using this website stop them from using it? They can still come here when you're not....


Anyway, thanks for the great mods!

Edited by thenobody0
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It is incredibly irresponsible to distribute a mod which uses scripts using a service which includes mandatory silent auto-update. Your 'moral' argument is infantile at best, intensely hypocritical and arrogant at worst. Have fun!

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This was reposted here in an attempt to gain more sympathy than was gotten when this was posted in the mod authors' forum.


The Nexus staff is incredibly tolerant, as evidenced by the fact that they actually let you do these things, attempting to stir up trouble. That tolerance allows people to post pretty much whatever mods they please, so long as it does not infringe on copyright and so long as it is tagged appropriately so that people like you (and me--I don't really understand the need for nude mods either) can avoid seeing adult mods if we don't want to. With very few, extreme exceptions, the Nexus does not attempt to be the arbiter of good taste, and that sort of open modding forum is in the best interest of all users and mod authors. It's a pretty great community that we have here, and you are throwing your toys out of the pram because other people have the freedom to make the types of mods they want to make without worrying about whether or not they meet with your approval.


As Dante did, I will repost what I said in the other thread: If a child is truly mature enough to play Skyrim, he/she is mature enough to navigate the Nexus and avoid questionable content. The filters are very good, and they only have to be set once. But I think your real concern is not specifically what your children see, but the moral issue of "supporting" a site where those other mods are even allowed to exist. Which is a tolerance issue, which is deeply ironic, given the tolerance the Nexus staff are showing you.

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