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I want my followers clothes to stay when released


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When I release one of my companions (wife, housecarl, follower, etc...) their clothes always revert back to their original armor or clothing. Then when I need them again I have to unequip it from them and then give it back to them again so they will equip their armor I had on them originally. I've looked for days, but haven't yet found a mod to keep the same clothing on. Is there one?

Or, if there was a mod to remove their original clothing so they would walk around naked when they took the armor off I gave them, that would be better than their original armor or clothing. I'm tired of looking, does anyone know if one of these mods exists? I would greatly appreciate any help, thank you.


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It works great, thank you. But it conflicts with one of my other mods I have for Lydia. I might be better off with my second option. A mod that just removes the original clothing and keeps it off once you release them. Is there a mod for that?

Edited by Blazer6992
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http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8530/? Tradable Companion Gear. Does exaclty what you're looking for, it's also included into UFO, but I don't like UFO personally.


If you care why I don't like UFO, it's in the spoiler, I'm not presumptuous


Teaching followers magic is overpowered, and having 15 followers is system straining and more overpowered than anything else I've seen in a mod. You might as well just walk around typing killall in the console.

Telling random followers to dress or undress, or to change the way they react to situations, is immersion breaking. Whether or not a follower wants to forgive friendly fire should be defined by their personality.

That aside, convenient horses handles follower riding better, and TCG covers the only feature in UFO I like.


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is there a way to "dress" other NPCs that are not followers and make them retain that outfit??


For example - the house bards that come with the player homes in Hearthfire.



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