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a few SKSE questions from a paranoid old man


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My apologies in advance if this is the wrong forum or there is a thread which answers all these questions somewhere on the Nexus forums. As I have not found such a thread in my searches to answer my question preemptively I have resorted to calling on this fine community for guidance. Allow me to explain my questions any assistance provided would be GREATLY appreciated.


1. I have been for a while noticing some mods that really interest me however this is one thing they all have in common, they require SKSE. Now this normally would not be a problem except from what I hear SKSE is a not something endorsed or recognized by Steam or Bethesda and as such as a person who is rather reluctant to face paying more money to buy a new version of Skyrim and or my other games thus far I ask. Will downloading, installing, running, and or using SKSE or mods associated with it in any way put my standing in regards to the legitimacy of my game copy [i bought it], my standing with Bethesda, or my steam subscription and my access to thereof at risk?


2. Are there any glaring security issues I should be aware of in using this bit of software?


3. If using SKSE is there any necessity to go offline and or try to hide my use of such an application in regards to any sort of legality issues?


I apologise again if any of these questions are silly to any of you who are in the know of such things. As a person ignorant of anything relating to this subject I please ask humbly. should you know the definite answers to such questions; please provide me with any relevant answers you may have.


Thank you


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Its okay, just some common issues regarding SKSE. I will tell you, SKSE is fine, there are several reasons, but I will explain what the role of SKSE is and how it works, roughly.

SKSE, as the name suggests, is the Skyrim Script Extender. In vanilla Skyrim, there are many, many script functions that authors are able to use, generally they cover that which the authors intend to do. However, in certain circumstances, there are functions outside the functional call of the vanilla scripts. THis is where SKSE comes in. SKSE is a third party EXE that extends the script available to authors so that they may integrate other scripts into their mods. This allows for more complex script calls and better extensions on call variables. SKSE is a tool that launches TESV.exe

There is no security, legal or otherwise issues as it simple extends call variables as an EXE and you don't have to go offline.

In a legal sense, considering Bethseda has fully endorsed the impletation of mods, and even released the CK for mod development, there can be no legal ramifications as they endorsed modifications themselves.

If you have any other questions, send me a PM or reply here.




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I have a few additional questions in that sense then.


1. Given that it is a separate .exe that [from what I hear} needs to be run and operated outside the steam environment. Would it either put the legitimacy of my steam subscription under question? As Steam was needed to validate the install of Skyrim


2. Would this go against the Steam/Skyrim/Bethesda Eula given that it is going so far as to add extra scripts and .exes to the game files?

2.5. By modifying the game this much would I still be in the clear to update it without said paranoid issues?


3. I realize this may not be the place but I want to upgrade and this might be a soon upcoming purchase. All these questions in regards to Fallout: New Vegas' FOSE

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To both one and two, I may have been a bit vague; the tool is a source file, a SKSE.exe and a script file containing scripts, in no way does it alter the vanilla game files, simply adds to them. It doesn't breach the EULA, doesn't alter the verification mode, is in no way in breech of any legal contracts you have with Steam/Valve, as the purchase is digital, you have the intellectual property of (1) copy of Skyrm and it doesn't matter what way you manipulate that property, with certain exceptions, and you may reinstall in it a digital form at any moment.

I repeat, there are no breeches in any legal contract you have between Steam and or Bethesda.

(The steam workshop is a reason why one may alter the program files without fear of vilification)



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Thank you so much. I appreciate the help and the detail of your answers. I apologise that I'm probably more gun shy over this than I ought to be given that several people use it already. Also sorry about question number three. I assume that given the similar situation that it falls within similar guidelines though. I do greatly appreciate your help and probably more so your patience in helping me. There is one final question that I have for you and that is. Is there any special information or techniques I should know in order to run SKSE outside or inside Steam in order for better functionality between the game and the platform? [steam that is]

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Nope, no extra stuff, just download it, extracts it and cut and and drop in into your skyrim folder, which will be something like this

c:program files(x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim

Then youre good to go.

Have fun with the many, excellent SKSE mods. I cannot strongly enough suggest SkyUI.

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Also, just to give you further comfort, there are many mods available on Steam itself that explicitly state that SKSE is required. Those mods include SkyUI, the mod downloaded TES mod of all time. Steam supports it. You will not have any ramifications with your Steam account. (Otherwise, at this point, the majority of PC Skyrim players would have issues, because the majority use SKSE.) :thumbsup:

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