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What is the nature of a "definition"


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What is definition? What defines something. For example, it is normal for me to rub my eye, to scratch my head, but, at some point of doing this, it becomes too much, the definition of what im doing changes, im no longer simply "scratching my head" or "rubbing my eye", im performing an unhealthly action, at what point does the definition of something become X rather than Y?


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Thats what I mean, is definition part of social context, or is it an ingrained fundemental part of what defines that which is human?

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I would suppose that line would be something entirely subjective and based on a person's ability to recognize its occurrence as happening unusually frequently, or paired with some negative aspect... Such as breaking open the skin from scratching, making your eye red from rubbing, or some other change that might cause disturbance.

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Would this definition be an aspect of our social upheavel, or a innate knowledge of that which is absurd, and that which can be considered "average"?

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I think only man defines things. A man can redefine a definition at a whim. For example for centuries a kudeta (Coup d'état) was the word used meaning to over throw a government through military force, man just decided to redefine it to just a Ku just because it was shorter to say. Another example "Kentucky fried chicken" was redefined to just "KFC" because the owner wanted to redefine the business image to attract a wider variety of customers because the idea of Kentucky "fried chicken" over time has become widely know as greasy and unhealthy foods. Besides the owner no longer wanting to be associated with Kentucky anymore. These are just examples of defining a word and a name.

Edited by colourwheel
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I see.

What about shades of definition, where a definition changed over a incremental period, of decremental value, to redefine it?

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