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what is your favorite creature to summon  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. what is your favorite creature to summon

    • daedroth or skeleton
    • dremora or clannfear
    • bonewalker or bonelord
    • ancestreal ghost or scamp
    • golden saint or winged twilight
    • any antronach or hunger

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My most frequently used Summon spell iis Ancestral Ghost. My mage characters normally choose the Atronach sign (or whichever one gives 2x magicka but no magicka regeneration). Once my character is sufficiently good at summoning, or have something enchanted with Summon Ancestral Ghost, it's the best way I know to recharge manna.


I like summoning Dremora for meleeing and opponent that I'm not up to fighting. They're almost as tough in melee as a golden saint and distinctly easier to summon. Of course summoning Golden Saints for soul trapping is rewarding as well as for the loot you can get if you're quick enough to grab it beofre the body of the summoned Golden Saint vanishes. (Saints seem easier to catch in time than Dremora for whatever reason).


My mage characters that make heavy use of Summoned creatures in combat usually use a variety of summoned creatures to overwhelm the opposition primarily to circumvent the problem of a single summoning spell only being able to have one summoned creature active at a time. In many cases the biggest aim for my mage is the number of creatures availalbe to overwhelm the opposition rather than the power of any individual one.

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I had a spell that summoned 8 different things, cost 1500 or so magicka...this was in a game where I did WAY too many Fortify INT potions though...and willpower...I like dremoras and clannfears (Sounds Scottish...) because they are relatively cheap for their abilities. a Summon Sheogorath spell would be cool!

Jabbawack. Jabbawack. Jabbawack

Jabbawack. Jabbawack. Jabbawack

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
I think you just summoned this poll back up but hey good question none the less. I like Golden saints becuse I can't regen magika. Therefor I summon them let them cast some spells then kill then sould trap them and loot their bodies before they dissapear. Get a lot of good shields this way, like the daedric tower shield.
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