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More realistic mage staffs


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Well honestly I don't think a whole lot of people enjoy the staffs in Skyrim.


So, I have a preposition.


If you've seen The lord of the rings, you should know Gandalf's staff doesn't run on soul gems or anything, it lasts forever. If you've played an MMORPG you probably tknow that staffs don't cast individual spells themselves, and sometimes they are even essential for spell-casting.


I think we should develop a more immersive experience by adding staffs that give spell/magicka related boosts instead of just helping you cast spells without using your own magicka.

For example you could have a staff that decreases all spell casting by 15%, or increases magicka by 50 points.


And I think that we should allow normal spells to be cast from the staffs, from fireballs to conjurations.


What do you think?

And sorry, I don't know how to use the CK. :-\

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Besides the fact that you asked for more realistic staves (realistic staves would just be carved pieces of wood that dont do anything except make good walking stick) I might just take a stab at this and make some staff enchants to help fortify magicka casting, perhaps even add a hidden perk to enhance the magicka in some way.


If I'm successful I'll attach the product in this thread. Thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Besides the fact that you asked for more realistic staves (realistic staves would just be carved pieces of wood that dont do anything except make good walking stick) I might just take a stab at this and make some staff enchants to help fortify magicka casting, perhaps even add a hidden perk to enhance the magicka in some way.


If I'm successful I'll attach the product in this thread. Thanks.

Yeah lol that's pretty much it.



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