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Oh Boy... Questions as New Chappie...

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Posted this all over, I don't get out much, but here it is:

Hey guys, a friend and myself have began writing and learning how to mod our own quest which involves NPCs, radiant quests, custom dialogue and voices (it was terrible trying to figure out how to generate lip sync with Creation Kit -- thus in failing deciding to place the story in an external cell that is more of a small isle of desolate radioactive clouds and such.) Long story.

Anyway, my questions are such:

How the heck can I use a mods' resources to give an NPC a face mask -- the only thing we are really trying to add in are our NPCs primarily wearing cool masks because we can't get the lips to sync for dialogue during conversations and such. In fact we are still learning so we have a heap of questions a lot of YouTube videos aren't helping with. And sometimes folks I see scathing Google comment sections on keyword queries -- sometimes they toss around a bunch of links either outdated or completely neglectful of newcomers.

We've tried a lot of techniques to get their lips to move during their responses. Nah, bro. Nah. Something about Bethesda updating Fallout 4 beyond Creation Kit or something. Eh, it's hard keeping track through this stuff.

What software should I learn to make and place masks on our NPCs? In fact, a few videos I've watched haven't helped explain too well how to give them individual faces. I get a lot. I made a stable ncp already "CHEDDAR BOB" in Albernathy Farm who says hello with voice, and gives four responses to four spoken things. That's pretty much as far as I've gotten, but it feels like I'm too invested and on some self-abusive level actually really enjoy doing this and working on constructing something really nice to give back to this franchise with.

Anyway... Some help would be great. Thanks.

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  On 7/30/2021 at 5:04 AM, pepperman35 said:

The technique kinggath presents in his video tutorial Bethesda Mod School: Dialogue 102 - Generate Lip Sync Data Automatically worked when I tried it.



Thanks for your reply. I will try this later tonight. Hopefully it works. Also having trouble making unique faces or individual faces. There has to be something more complex than the sliders on Creation Kit. How else can I modify and specify an NPCs face in my mod? Creation Kit seems very unapproachable and limited.

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  On 7/31/2021 at 12:09 PM, YouDoNotKnowMyName said:

There is a tool called "FaceRipper" that lets you create the face for the player in the game and then export that out to use it for an NPC in the CK.


Just want to verify, are you perhaps talking about this process from "Face-Ripper"?



For experts and the adventurous.

How to make a new face for a NPC:



a. Open FO4Edit, find the record/form of the NPC you'd like to edit.

b. Copy this record as an override to a new plugin, name it whatever you like.

c. Close FO4Edit saving your new plugin.



a. Open the game and load a save or start a new game.

b. Edit your face in character creation or using 'slm 14' in console.

c. Save your game.

d. Find your save file on your pc and rename it to something useful.



a. Open Face Ripper.

b. Browse for your source save, from section 2.

c. Select "Player - 7" from the upper drop down.

d. Browse for your target plugin, from section 1.

e. Select the ID of the NPC from section 1 in the lower drop down.

f. Press Transfer Face, and ok to any message boxes.

g. Enable the new plugin, which will have the NPC's ID appended to the name.

h. Load your game and see if the process worked.


That's the basics. You can also use face presets (which are normal NPC_ records) to get an existing face into the LooksMenu.

Edited by Moonjelly3
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I tried this method a few days ago to no avail, it opened Creation Kit but wouldn't generate anything.


  On 7/31/2021 at 10:43 AM, Moonjelly3 said:


  On 7/30/2021 at 5:04 AM, pepperman35 said:

The technique kinggath presents in his video tutorial Bethesda Mod School: Dialogue 102 - Generate Lip Sync Data Automatically worked when I tried it.



Thanks for your reply. I will try this later tonight. Hopefully it works. Also having trouble making unique faces or individual faces. There has to be something more complex than the sliders on Creation Kit. How else can I modify and specify an NPCs face in my mod? Creation Kit seems very unapproachable and limited.


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basically, all we are trying to do is make maybe 8 npcs in a modded vault that are all wearing face masks from a specific mod we found so their non-moving mouths can't be seen. Trying to work around my understanding and knowledge to at least keep making something cool for a story... headaches.


  On 7/31/2021 at 11:15 PM, YouDoNotKnowMyName said:

I never used the tool myself, I only heard of it ...

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To create a new face ingame that you can export to a plugin:


Use Face Ripper. Follow the steps under "Save-to-Plugin".


To create lip files:


1. Copy the files from "C:\Games\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Tools\LipGen" to "C:\Games\steamapps\common\Fallout 4"


2. Create a txt file in "C:\Games\steamapps\common\Fallout 4". In the txt file, paste a line like this:


CreationKit32.exe -GenerateSingleLip:"Data\Sound\Voice\YouModName.esp\YourNPCsVoiceType\VoiceLineName_1.wav" "Voice line"
3. Change the file extension from TXT to BAT.
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  On 8/3/2021 at 6:20 PM, LarannKiar said:


To create lip files:


1. Copy the files from "C:\Games\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Tools\LipGen" to "C:\Games\steamapps\common\Fallout 4"


2. Create a txt file in "C:\Games\steamapps\common\Fallout 4". In the txt file, paste a line like this:


CreationKit32.exe -GenerateSingleLip:"Data\Sound\Voice\YouModName.esp\YourNPCsVoiceType\VoiceLineName_1.wav" "Voice line"
3. Change the file extension from TXT to BAT.



That's what the video from kinggath says, except that you forgot to say that you need to patch CreationKit32.exe in order to create lip files.


The problem is that:

  On 7/31/2021 at 11:49 PM, Moonjelly3 said:


I tried this method a few days ago to no avail, it opened Creation Kit but wouldn't generate anything.


So no point on telling them the same solution once again when its clear they are unable to make it work for whatever reason. (Probably didn't watch the video till the end and didn't patched the ck32, which would inevitably lead to the ck32 not loading due to mismatch version of the plugin).


Edit: maybe the way you say works because it doesn't load the esp to begin with, but that's crazy, if you must setup a command line for each line it will take ages to generate if there are many lines, because it will need to load the ck for each line, not to mention that you need to write the command line for each line...

Edited by DieFeM
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