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premium - what you really would pay for


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With the new system of keeping file version saved on the nexus I think a pretty cool premium feature could be:

"Press this button to save your settings and modlist as a private collection linked to your nexus account"

Followed by an easy:

"Press this to load your settings and modlist from your nexus storage and install them"


That way you could at any point, while premium is active, maintain the ability to install and mod your game just the way you like it online from your nexus account on vortex.

Could even have the feature of saving the "private mods/settings file" locally on your PC so a person doesn't need to feel forced to be perma subbed.

I thought so too. :D Also, being able to load your list from a local drive...... Storage space is dirt cheap after all. :D (for those that can install another HDD/SSD in any event.)

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I thought so too. :D Also, being able to load your list from a local drive...... Storage space is dirt cheap after all. :D (for those that can install another HDD/SSD in any event.)


Well yeah I'd expect it'd work something like -> loads your modlist/settings (from account or locally) -> checks locally for the files -> retrieves any missing files from nexus -> Installs and replaces setting files / load orders -> Happy gaming :D

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Not wanting to bump this thread but it's better than making a new one.


I just read something on reddit that got me pumped. What if Vortex could automatically detect all mods (and their versions) existing on a save file and by just having your save you could select "import settings" or something.

This would create a new profile for that save, search/download/install all mods and file changes necessary for that save and blamo, play your game where you left off.


It wouldn't be a vanilla save file but probably a vortex managed compressed one that does all this or something but i think it'd be really cool.

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Not wanting to bump this thread but it's better than making a new one.


I just read something on reddit that got me pumped. What if Vortex could automatically detect all mods (and their versions) existing on a save file and by just having your save you could select "import settings" or something.

This would create a new profile for that save, search/download/install all mods and file changes necessary for that save and blamo, play your game where you left off.


It wouldn't be a vanilla save file but probably a vortex managed compressed one that does all this or something but i think it'd be really cool.

As I understand it, Vortex should already be able to tell you what mods any particular save game depends on. If you downloaded your mods via vortex, it would also know where to find them. I think this particular method should be eminently doable. :)

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