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Ordinators and y they attack me


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very early in the game on my lvl 21 dark elf file i went to vivec...i realized how much i hated it cuz the size but i thought the ordinators were cool so i killed one and got the armour which was better and cooler than mine. After that every other ordinator attacked me and i found out it was becuz i was wearing their armour or sumthing so i sold it and thought i was safe.


I later came back and they still wouldnt screw off and for about 17 levels its been like that and finaly now i wanna get them to stop so does any1 know if there is a way to get them to stop.

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If you are in the Theives Guild, jog over to one of the 'bases' and get your bounty taken care of for half the price, or go to a Guard that wont chase you and pay it off in full. If you cant afford either, the I sugest you sell some stuff and if that still dont work, then you're SOL.
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Yeah thats what happend to me too. All I can say is suck it up and get strong enough to open a can of whoop ars on them everytime they start something. Once I was strong enough to do that, They become really minute distractions. Or, if all else fails, just get good at sneaking or illusion. Or become really fast. You could always jump over them... Thats what I do. Works fine for me... *Cheers up* SEVEN DAYS UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY...A.K.A... DRIVERS PERMIT AND NEW COMPUUTER!!
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