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Cannot use mods


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I've been trying to figure out why none of the mods I load using nmm work. Nmm says the mods are active but they do not show up in-game.


I've even tried manually placing the mod files into the data folder. <-- Question, can all file types (.dif, .esm, and .nif) be placed here and the game will recognize them being added?


From what I've read your skyrimprefs.ini file should read as this:

And from here, you ought to be able to access the data files option in the skyrim launcher.
What am I missing here? I've been wracking my brain on this for days without finding much help in forums or elsewhere.
I'll give whatever details are needed! Just please help me q.q
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Are you sure you changed the correct ini file? (the one in My Documents/MyGames/Skyrim, not the one in the Programs folder)

Are you running the game, NMM and Steam all as an administrator? (right click on the exe file, click on "run as administrator"--it's not enough to have administrator rights with your log-in profile)

If so,


Can you post your BOSS log and also screenshots of your NMM (both the mods and plugins sides)?


It is possible that your manual installations may create problems, so you may need to start over/revert to vanilla skyrim before trying again.

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Yes, I think there was also one in the regular games folder as well, the one that contains the game launcher. Thing is, when I went to check the .ini file, it was already set so I should've been able to use the data files button. For whatever reason, I cannot still.

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I had this bug once when I did a fresh reinstall of Skyrim, and I wish I knew for certain how I got it resolved! Totally legit Skyrim installation, the right ini settings, but no joy. If you generally play with Steam offline, try going online and subscribing to a mod from Steam--any old mod. Then, open your Skyrim launcher and see if it is un-grayed. For this launch, don't use SKSE, just use the regular Skyrim launcher. If it works, you'll probably then want to unsubscribe to avoid automatic mod updates from Steam.

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