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Vampires in the realm of Oblivion


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Though I have played the main quest and many of the side quest through on a number of occasions I have decided to play the game through as a vampire for the first time #. Though I have a game guide to help me ( when needed and the memory is not up to the job ) I do have one question that is not addressed in this guide and that is > “ How do vampires get on in the realm of Oblivion and in Camoran`s paradise ? ” :mellow: . Problems that I see are with sun damage in Cyrodiil you will take sun damage agreed well what about your time spent in Oblivion Etc. ?. Do you still take damage or not ?, do you still need to feed ?, and if so on what, do the Daedra sleep ? ( some how I think not :dry: ). At the moment I have only been a vampire for three game days and am `feeding` as often as I can. I am some what of a coward and take things as easy as posable until I gain some confidence even in a game . The thing is that up to now I have not played through any of the main quest and am wondering weather I have made a wise decision in playing a vampire. Yes many things can be worked through but have I found a flaw that has not been picked up on ?, or am I just being stupid :wacko: ?.


# I killed an adventure by mistake and started the Dark Brotherhood quest line before the main quest and Valttieri was most accommodating 8) .

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You do take Sun Damage in alternate planes, which is particularly nasty because it's always daytime in them. You still need to feed, but on the flip-side, you don't have to socialize, so all you have to worry about is the Sun Damage. You also don't advance in vampire level until you wait or sleep, so no matter how much time you spend in one, you don't need to take any more Sun Damage. It can be a good idea to feed before you set out, but the Sun Damage at Stage 2 is quite bearable. Especially since most of the serious delving/combat is indoors.


If you're worried about it being a "wise decision" in a power/survivability sense, you probably won't run into much trouble as a vampire.

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Thank you for your quick and compleat reply :biggrin:

I will continue to play my vampier as far as I think safe, witch will be longer than I had first thought when I took one on.

I look forward to a life on the darkside thanks again.

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I`m not worried as such just a coward when trying something new, (save) If you now,(load), If you know what I mene (Load) If you know what I mean. :whoops:



But you can see how this approach can affect your game play :thumbsup: .


Well looking at the choices that have been given me so far I think that drinkable blood bottles will be the best way to go. That way I can still wear whatever armour and clothing that I like as long as I can find bottles of blood (Or has someone thought of a way of making them ?. (A mod for someone may be :biggrin: )).


:thanks::) Well thanks for all your help :thumbsup:

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