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How to access mods in-game?


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UNP body mod. You don't "use it" in game. It replaces the stock body (including underwear) with whatever options you chose. You have to remove any armor/clothing from your female character/followers/NPCs in order to see the changes.


If your character/follower/NPCs don't have the appearance you are expecting, then perhaps you should double check how the mod was installed and ensure that all files are where they belong.

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UNP body mod. You don't "use it" in game. It replaces the stock body (including underwear) with whatever options you chose. You have to remove any armor/clothing from your female character/followers/NPCs in order to see the changes.


If your character/follower/NPCs don't have the appearance you are expecting, then perhaps you should double check how the mod was installed and ensure that all files are where they belong.

So when I have this mod activated, and I start a new game save and when I am creating my character, am I not seeing the mod because there are rags on the character? How do I change things like hairstyle and facial features/heads?


I assumed you'd be able to change these things with this mod from the start in the race selection menu at the beginning of the game.

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UNP body mod. You don't "use it" in game. It replaces the stock body (including underwear) with whatever options you chose. You have to remove any armor/clothing from your female character/followers/NPCs in order to see the changes.


If your character/follower/NPCs don't have the appearance you are expecting, then perhaps you should double check how the mod was installed and ensure that all files are where they belong.

Also, should this mod show up in the data files UI when I view it? None of my body mods show up in this but the followers mods I have do.

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Body replacers (replacers in general) don't have a plugin (.esp/.esm) for you to activate in the load order. It just replaces the meshes and textures of the vanilla body like explained above.

As for the hair and other stuff you change those from the race menu like you usually do when you start a new character or with the console afterwards. Don't know if UNP comes with something additional besides the body replacers, so everything else in the race menu will be vanilla, unless you install additional hair/eyes/warpaints etc mods.

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Body replacers (replacers in general) don't have a plugin (.esp/.esm) for you to activate in the load order. It just replaces the meshes and textures of the vanilla body like explained above.

As for the hair and other stuff you change those from the race menu like you usually do when you start a new character or with the console afterwards. Don't know if UNP comes with something additional besides the body replacers, so everything else in the race menu will be vanilla, unless you install additional hair/eyes/warpaints etc mods.


I thought that might've been the case. I'll download some hair mods and see if that changes anything in the selection menu. I hope it works... I feel so stupid doing this. I'm usually pretty savvy when it comes to this stuff.

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Just type hair as a search and look for the top rated ones.

Lots of people like ApachiiHair (I do) but of course it's all a matter of taste.


But I think you might also look into this mod, it allows you a great deal more control and versatility when creating your character-- Enhanced Character Edit

Is this mod compatible with the dimonized female unp body?


My main concern is having a problem with mod confliction in which I have one body type mod and then these other customization mods make the other inoperable.

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