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Looking for a mod to make magic brighter.


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As you can see from the screenshot, fire magic hardly generates any light.

It's just a fire texture in the darkness.

I'm looking for a mod that will make the effects left by spells generate light like a light source.

I want the entire room to light up when I shoot a fireball and stay lit up until the impact fire goes out.

I've tried inferno but it does not add any light, just changes the fire texture.

I'd like a mod that does this for lightning as well.


Does anyone know a mod that does this?

Edited by sgreenwald8742
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Magelight and Candlelight are specifically spells to generate light, but it doesn't sound like a bad idea to have the burning remains of a fire spell also produce light for a short period of time.

I don't use shock magic enough to know if it even leaves a residue behind, but ice magic certainly does. Do you think that should also have some slight glow to it, since it was produced via magic?

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Magelight and Candlelight are specifically spells to generate light, but it doesn't sound like a bad idea to have the burning remains of a fire spell also produce light for a short period of time.

I don't use shock magic enough to know if it even leaves a residue behind, but ice magic certainly does. Do you think that should also have some slight glow to it, since it was produced via magic?

I never thought about that. I don't see why not. That makes sense.

I just thought it was silly that the room's on fire, and also pitch black.

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