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rising bridge and splines

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Well the bridge works fine but i cant remember how to connect the one end of the spline to extend and retract ...(supposedly attached to a pulley that lifts the bridge ).

Cant edit the end point marker so how do i attach it to the moving pulley ?

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AttachRef tab in Object Reference properties.

You cant edit the endpoint marker to attach ref( no right click no double click...)...unless you mean from the helper to the spline end point....

Either way i had to change the design to account for the lack of movement and made it look like it slides on the spline...

Gonna try again but going to uninstall the "fixed" version of CK...(some weird s*** happened with it and it crashes very easy)

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Gonna try again but going to uninstall the "fixed" version of CK...(some weird s*** happened with it and it crashes very easy)


Nah, that's just the CK. It eats itself (it corrupts it's own INI files). I find it is much more stable when "fixed".

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A) Yes fixed version was causing chaos.....Today i couldnt even edit a cell (no right click ).. UNinstalled fixed and working with vanilla..


b) spline end point marker dragged in from object window still wont allow entrance to edit...

Solution : duplicated the marker and renamed and the duplicate works just fine...wtf ?????( no other changes to its base...its just a copy )

What pees me off most is that i lost several hours of work for nothing...


Edit:...the marker isnt recognized as an end point marker when trying to enter spline selection..if the name is changed..(can you say retarded ?... )Its the same marker with same setup but different name lol..

Mean while i dragged the power lift packin on to the map to reverse engineer it.. but cant see if and how marker is connected to the helper...

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