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CTD... With a twist! :/


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First, thanks to those of you who help for your time in reading this.

So I've got a kind of strange one here. In the past, I've been able to fix CTD problems by sorting my load order with LOOT and using FNIS just in case. If that doesn't work, I disable the last several mods I've installed and try again then reactivate them one at a time. I tried that this time though and nothing's happening.

So here's the twist: I can load the latest game I've been playing with no trouble whatsoever. However, I can't load older saves. Even starting a new game entirely leads to a crash. It seems really odd that one character would be completely unaffected but starting a new game from scratch would cause a CTD.

My load order doesn't seem to be involved with the crashing so I'm not sure what else I could provide you with. Let me know and I'll get whatever asap.

EDIT: It seems that while I can load up my last save just fine, I can't leave the city of Solitude where I loaded in. I can go in and out of buildings but not outside the gate. This is getting even more strange.

Edited by AtomicJukebox
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I have discovered that restarting stabilizes my SSE game sometimes when it starts getting randomly crashy. If on Win10, open Task Manager (keyboard shortcut: Shift-Ctrl-Esc), go to the Performance tab, select the CPU performance display, and look for "uptime" to see how long it's been since the computer has had a hard restart/shutdown. You can also check this if you are diagnosing someone else's issues and they claim to have already tried restarting.

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I often* do that myself. If things start getting sketchy I'll (ideally though not always, get myself inside one of my player homes), create a new save, exit the game, do a quick fallrim tools cleanup on the save, then restart the game

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