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WANTED: Sword retexturing


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Hello, I chanced upon this great resource on the Oblivion Nexus and I'd like to request for someone skilled in texturing to decline these swords in old gold, brass, and light copper, and, why not? golden bronze finish?

I'd do it myself if I were more seasoned and moreover if I had the needed material for.

It's a free use resource since the author, left Oblivion for Skyrim, this mod unfinished, allowing anyone to use it provided they would give credits you know the rest...

Here's the mod in question http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/40660/?tab=4&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D40660%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D443659&pUp=1

These swords are great but there are not enough (not any) choice as for the metal finish of the crossgards and pommels yet.

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So you just want the cross guards and pommels redone? I have these in my weapons resource files already. Kind of liked them just as they are. But if I find spare time may experiment and see what happens.

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mhahn123, that'd be nice if you actually could do that.

As for the SS you snapped ElderScrollsFan001, That's about it it. Now make it a bit brownish for bronze finish, a little more dim for old gold, and whiteish for a lite brass finish and you're there.

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Looks like ElderscrollsFan has it well under control for you.

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Yup, yup. Looks quite promising so far. This says, if you can clearly picture what I am looking for yourself, don't hold back and feel free to add your own touch. Might very well fall on the right shade of bronze/gold/steel/brass wanted here.

Even if you come with other ideas; the goal here being adding as many realistic variants of the swords as possible, so that at least 4 chars can use the same one, without really having the exact same sword, which is too often seen in games and makes it boring.

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Thank you but it really looks like you have it under control. I may want to borrow a few when you finish though. :thumbsup: And if you want some nicer icons I can do those really fast.

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