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Mod Request: Change Hawke Appearance After Creation


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Someone. Anyone. Please. Is there someone out there who knows of a way I can edit my Hawke's appearance after character creation? I'm a fool. I thought my Hawke looked fine until I progressed further and now I hate how she looks. :( I'm so sad.

I know this is an old game and I doubt anyone is still modding anymore, but I never got to finish this game back when it came out, and I am finally getting around to playing it all the way through the first time.

Is it possible to change her in Black Emporium? Or use an item to reopen the character creator for her? I really don't want to play through everything all over again. I just don't have the time anymore to do multiple play throughs. I barely have the time to do my one playthrough.

I'm sure this calling into the abyss but I thought I'd try. If I knew anything about modding myself I would do it, but I don't even know where to begin and, again, do not have the time to learn a skill like that from scratch.

If you read this at all, thank you.

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I periodically return to trying to get the cc menu to open in areas besides the Black Emporium (so I don't have to go all the way over there to change my character's appearance), and it's... complicated. I looked a little at Hawke's version of the cc and of course it's similarly thorny. It's hard to tell which components do exactly what and how to move them to be triggered by something other than the original mechanism.


As a workaround, it's potentially possible to reset some individual plot flags to retrigger the original hawke cc to come up, fix her, and then reset those plot flags, and hope it doesn't completely explode quests down the line. It shouldn't. Theoretically.


Do you potentially have some save files you could share for testing? Ideally one close before the original hawke cc menu is supposed to be triggered, and then one sometime later after progressing with Hawke's plot, and Hawke is nearby to be looked at.

Edited by apomorph
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