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Does she like me?


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With most people, you tend to learn as you get older. I've met some that do quite the opposite...
I hear ya. I know of somebody that is actually getting more stupid the older he gets regarding relationships. He never learns. I won't name any names because I don't want my brother-in-law to find out. ;)



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With most people, you tend to learn as you get older. I've met some that do quite the opposite...
I hear ya. I know of somebody that is actually getting more stupid the older he gets regarding relationships. He never learns. I won't name any names because I don't want my brother-in-law to find out. ;)





That was wicked. ;)

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Yeah, if you don't mind my asking, how old are you? I remember about, oh, three years back when I had a hard time with recognizing a relationship type love and a friendship type love. Granted, I'm 17, but everyone jokes that they wonder if the second 9 on my birth certificate was supposed to be an 8


You know, I did say

Don't give me that line about I'm too young to know what love is, I know all that, but I still feel that way.
because I'm fully aware that I might be misreading my feelings, but she is the only person I have felt this way about. I have had "friendship type love" before, and this doesn't feel at all like that does, it goes much deeper. For all I know, it could just be a deeper "friendship type love" but I don't know.
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I know what you're talking about there. It's more of a "bond" that you've established with this person. I wouldn't risk it trying to take it any further, because I know what can happen as a result. It's not fun.


And I wasn't in the least trying to say that you can't understand the concept of love at a younger age. I just couldn't remember if you stated how old you were. And I know for a fact that it's harder at our age to distinguish between a "bond", "connection", or even "friendly love" and true love because of hormones running rampant. I'll raise my hand and say that any teen has the same problem.


Just going to let you know that you will know when you've found the right person for you. It's not as much of a feeling as it is a knowledge. It's going to be up to you to figure that one out on your own, as I can't describe it.

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