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Virulent Green in Tombs, Barrow and Caves


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Okay, so I'm having an issue where lighting in the dungeons is an incredibly bright green, almost too bright to see, but only in certain areas and the rest of the area looks normal. I've uninstalled every mod I could think of that might cause this effect, and came up with no culprit. I've got Lanterns of Skyrim and Climates of Tamriel installed (but I've had these mods in my previous installations of Skyrim and never had this problem.) I also have a number of texture mods installed--which were the first I uninstalled to see if they were causing this issue, and it made no difference. When I changed Climates of Tamriel to have the darker dungeons (not the hardcore), it definitely toned the brightness down but didn't get rid of the green, and I personally don't care for the darker version of the dungeons. It has to be a lighting issue, but I'm at point non plus as to what could be causing this.


If anyone has any suggestions or advice, would love to hear about it. If I can't fix this, I may have to get Signi (my NPC) a pair of sunglasses. ;D

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:blink: That is a bit... distracting.

You said changing CoT affected it, have you tried completely uninstalling and redownloading/installing CoT? (Even if it worked in a previous install of Skyrim, it could be causing the problem this time. Happens a lot. The mod you least suspect, the one you trust :c )


I don't think Lanterns of Skyrim would cause this, I don't believe it changes dungeons. I could be wrong as I've never actually used it though. What other mods do you have that are or could be significant in this matter? And the ones you uninstalled, did you remove them entirely?

Edited by K00L
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Thanks for the reply, KOOL! It was kinda late last night (and I had been up since 5 a.m.) so I was being lazy and just used NMM to uninstall, but I didn't take the time to go into the game folders and make sure things were really and truly gone. I did take enough time to investigate the game folders in so far as to see if the meshes and textures had any items in them that would directly effect rocks, lighting, ruins and dungeons and didn't find anything that would cause this (I think).

I'm using the RCRN Classic esp for Lanterns in Skyrim (which has been my favorite so far), but I may try one of the other esps just to see if it affects the color. I have just done a rebuild on my computer, so it's all new goodies as far as graphics card and motherboard, so I actually downloaded COT again (rather than use my saved-on-disk version of the mod). I'll keep messing with it and see if I can figure out if it's one of the re-texture mods.

And if I can't figure it out--sunglasses for Signi! :geek:

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No problem! :P

Hope you can find out whatever is causing it, if not enjoy your sunglasses! :cool:

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I wish it was a skooma problem. ;D A friend of mine and I have determined it's some sort of texture issue. I've methodically uninstalled every possible mod or texture pack that affects candles, lanterns, lighting, clutter, rocks, etc., etc. and it has made no difference. VERY frustrating.


So my best guess is that it has something to do with the Bethesda HD texture packs that are automatically installed in the game. I think. I'm really hating the thought of uninstalling and reinstalling my game but it may come down to that. This is a thumbnail with every possible thing I can think of that might cause this uninstalled.

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Bad, BFW, really bad . . . ;D But you are the friend that helped me to the point where we could identify it as a texture issue, so you're forgiven. :biggrin:


Too bad we haven't been able to pinpoint the exact cause, though. I'm still thinking it just may be Bethesda's HD pack. Wondering if anyone else in the entire world has had this happen to them, or if I'm just unique? :cool:

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This is just weird. I've never heard of this, and couldn't find ANYTHING on Google.
And it only happens in dungeons, in certain areas?

The only thing I could find about a green tint in Skyrim was this:


And I don't think its the same problem.
Edit: Well if you have a new card (you said you did a rebuild) then maybe. But this guy said being in dungeons fixes it, and he doesn't have pictures so I don't know if its visually the same.

Edited by K00L
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Hi, KOOL, how are you? Thanks for your help and for trying to investigate this! I'm really at a loss as to what could be causing this--I'm completely kerflummuxed at this point.


Yes, so far I've run into this in two dungeons, but the really weird thing is it doesn't show up in every dungeon. :blink: And it's in patches throughout the dungeons where I have found this effect. BFW and I thought it had something to do with the lighting, so I removed all (and I mean all) mods, textures and meshes that affected lighting, candles, sconces, etc., etc., that I could determine might cause this (excluding BSA's and esp's of course of mods that have nothing to do with the above mentioned items) and it still didn't affect it or make it better. :wallbash: And you can actually see the delineation between the normal looking dungeon and the greened-out part of the dungeon. (P.S. the next two posts are mine of pics showing this due to size limitations.)

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