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Kindly requesting: Taunting


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I am hoping someone could make a mod that allows the Player to execute taunts... Whether it be purely cosmetic, or allow the player to attract aggro somehow, it doesn't matter to me. My thoughts consist of various animations, most prevalent of which would be the shield-bashing animation in which bandits strike their shield with their weapons... Of course, I'd also love to see some of the various Draugr taunts, such as the one where they raise their weapon and then point it forward, as if signaling a charge. I've googled this quite a bit, and it seems a good plenty of folks want this.. but none exist. I'd imagine making a shout (that doesn't actually shout anything) much like a Power that, when used, activates one of the however-many animations for a taunt. I'd give it a crack myself, but... Well, I kind of value not-breaking everything. Thanks for your time and consideration, I hope this gets done!

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This is actually a really good idea. I would imagine that in those times they had vulgar hand gestures, such as the classic 'up-yours'. Maybe a mod that added taunts that, once executed, would aggravate the targeted person causing their disposition towards you to drop drastically and making them attack you with fists. This could also then start a brawl and you would fight with the aggravated person like you normally would in a brawl, and since it isn't actually a one-sided fight or whatever the guards won't arrest you. Maybe the guards would try and break it up?

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I like that idea as well! Again, I'd be the one creating this, except I'm certain I would break everyone's game somehow. I know it wouldn't be too hard, though... Considering all of the animations are already in the Vanilla game (Unless one wanted to add ones like the "up yours" gesture you mentioned) and all that would be required is a way to activate them before/during combat.

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I think this would be better if applied in a more "Saints' Row"-esque fashion...walk up to an NPC, make a rude gesture a few times, and then it's on. (great way to get away with shooting people in front of cops in that game btw)

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