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Cleaning dirty edits (a blonde moment)


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Trying to clean a mod in FO4Edit, and I'm confusing myself (one of those days). I can safely delete Green lines, as long as there are no Yellow or White sublines below them, correct?


(The mod is showing a bunch of Worldspace blocks I don't think should be there, and all the entries in almost all of them are Green)

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Trying to clean a mod in FO4Edit, and I'm confusing myself (one of those days). I can safely delete Green lines, as long as there are no Yellow or White sublines below them, correct?


(The mod is showing a bunch of Worldspace blocks I don't think should be there, and all the entries in almost all of them are Green)

is this after precomb/vis generation?

Why are they being referenced ?

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Trying to clean a mod in FO4Edit, and I'm confusing myself (one of those days). I can safely delete Green lines, as long as there are no Yellow or White sublines below them, correct?


(The mod is showing a bunch of Worldspace blocks I don't think should be there, and all the entries in almost all of them are Green)

is this after precomb/vis generation?

Why are they being referenced ?



I have no idea why. I'm reworking an abandoned mod from three years ago, and it has what looks like dozens of navmesh records, all over the place. There should only be changes to maybe two exterior cells, not a laundry list.


I know white is a new record, yellow is an override. Isn't green "why is this here, it's identical to the masters"?

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I can safely delete Green lines, as long as there are no Yellow or White sublines below them, correct?






I know white is a new record, yellow is an override. Isn't green "why is this here, it's identical to the masters"?



Green background color: Multiple but no conflict

Green text color: Override without conflict


Background color:

White - Single Record
Green - Multiple but no conflict
Yellow - Override without conflict');
Red - Conflict
Text color:
Black - Single Record
Purple - Master
Gray - Identical to Master
Orange - Identical to Master but conflict Winner');
Green - Override without conflict
Orange - Conflict winner
Red - Conflict loser
So yes, you can delete green records.
Edited by LarannKiar
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