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Doing Circlets for Beast Race's


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Kia ora


I just added Beast Race support for my Circlet mod, but now I'm unsure

if I got it right.


I made for example a:


DragonBorn Mirrak Circlet

DragonBorn Mirrak Arg <------- Do I need these

DragonBorn Mirrak Kha <------- Do I need these




DragonBorn Mirrak CircletAA

DragonBorn Mirrak ArgAA

DragonBorn Mirrak KhaAA


The thought that come to mind is I only need one : DragonBorn Mirrak Circlet


The three AA (Armor-Addons) files are listed in the "Show All Models" section of the Armor item.

I need to be able to craft them also


Im after finding out if I've do it right or I need to remove the Beast Race Items and list the armor in the default DragonBorn Mirrak Circlet


Also if I need all three, do I need place all three in each Dragon Priests inventory if the player is to only find them at kill time like the masks?

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Kia ora


Will this work for beast Races, (it might be easyer to understand than my first post)


Armor Armor-Addon Constructible Object


<---> DragonBorn Mirrak ArgAA

DragonBorn Mirrak Circlet <--> DragonBorn Mirrak CircletAA <--> KHRecipeDragonBornMiraakCirclet <---> HTemperDragonBornMiraakCirclet

<--> DragonBorn Mirrak KhaAA


Or do I need Arg and Kha files for all three to support Beast Races?

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Assign the beast race specific armor addon forms to the single armor form. Be sure to adjust the original armor addon form to not have the beast races listed as possible users. The game will then use the correct mesh based on the player's race.


Check out how the stock circlets are setup. I know those have some different meshes for the beast races.

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Kia ora


Thanks for that, I did start there and then got a little confused when it came to adding recipes/Temper files.


I'm guessing as long as I add the Armor-addon-Arg and Armor-addon-Kha are added to the models list and the recpie makes that armor then the engine will pull the correct armor the the player race as listed in the armor-addons

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Recipes make or temper the one item. It is the player's or wearer's race that determines what shape it appears in. You can take an item that has specific appearance by race and it will automatically change when you pass it from a Redguard player character to a Khajiit follower and then again when passed to an Argonian.

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