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High quality screenshots


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Heya everybody, I was wondering about the different ways to take screenshots in game. Is there a way to take a screenshot with perfect quality? (I'm not referring to screenshot techniques, I'm talking about the actual quality of the image.) For instance, when you open the console and type tm, you get a clear, perfectly still visual. When I use f12 (steam screenshot function) and go look at my screen, the quality isn't the same. It isn't horrible, but its not the crystal clear image you see in game (it has jaggies and what not). I have heard and seen examples where the image quality is what you see in game, but I have yet to figure out how to do that. If anyone could enlighten me it would make my day.

Regardless, thanks for taking the time to read my humble inquiry :smile:

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Thanks, I downloaded Fraps and I'm gonna see how it does. :)



Well I did say that... but yeah, my point was that I know how to take screenshots, I was just wondering if there was a way to take them with loss-less quality.

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Press "Print Screen" on your keyboard. It will take a full resolution image of whatever is on the screen. My screen is 2560 x 1440 so the image file sizes are large. You'll have to do some serious cropping to get under the 1.5 Mbyte limit if you want to post the image.
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