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Was Goodneighbor originally intended to have 2 more areas?


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Best way to expand Goodneighbor is with interiors imo.


With interiors you have still a creative freedom in parts, as long as you have interiors with believable sizes.


Edit: The map is great looks great. Don't know if she is your work, but I wish every part of the Commonwealth would be shown like this.

Yes, I made that map myself.

And yes, I have the whole commonwealth mapped in that style.


The way I did it is export the "local map" view for all the exterior cells of the commonwealth worldspace and then stitched them together.

Then I made colour overlays for all the buildings, streets, the rivers, the ocean, ... (by hand!)


It is almost done, when it is complete, I will upload it.

Maybe somebody else finds a good use for it.

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Also, in the vanilla game, when you are in the commonwealth worldspace and try to jump on / over that rubble, you get teleportet into goodneighbor.

The area directly behind the rubble that blocks of goodneigbor is accessible from the commonwealth worldspace!



Good point. I don't want to touch the Commonwealth worldspace. Downtown Boston has enough problems as it is.


What I was getting at is that the new area need not actually be in Goodneighbor as far as the game is concerned. It could be in a totally disconnected area but with the appearance of being connected to Goodneighbor. You'd still end up in the Commonwealth worldspace if you jumped over from Goodneighbor proper, of course, which could be immersion breaking.


One of the Goodneighbor mods, I think it was Welcome to Goodneighbor, expanded out the main street to make it longer my removing the end of street obstruction to the right as you face the Rexford Hotel. Do you think there are any issues or conflicts with doing something like that?

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Technical issues: I don't know, I would have to look up how the "jumping over / teleportation thing" is set up.

Immersion issues: If they moved the rubble back in the GN worldspace, they should also move the rubble in the CW worldspace.


But it is your mod, you can do whatever you want!

No need to try and appeal to my very special tastes about what is and what isn't "immersive". :laugh:

(I am very hard to please when it comes to things like that ...)

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The issue with GN expanded an similar mods often is that it is like the Tardis. The interior is way bigger than the exterior and encompasses areas that outside are completely different and accessible

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Well, Goodneighbor has hugh buildings around it that are unused in the game like all the skyscrapers. Also by a population like the one from Goodneighbor it is thinkable that they would also use the sewer system as home, like you could it already see in the previous games of the Fallout franchise in other cities.


I have taken advantage of them in parts and still think that there would be room for more. The only downside of all those buildings and options is, that there are nowhere windows. Obviously not in sewers, but also not in the towers. I have check them ingame exactly for that. Not even a hole because of aging metal or something like that. Just window-less steel coffins with a ton of rubble on it. Makes it a bit harder to explain light sources in those interiors, but there are ways around.

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Goodneighbor is complicated. Why?

It's not only it's own worldspace, but also has a bunch of interiors inside that worldspace.

So, depending on what you change, you have to make the changes in the GN worldspace, then replicate these changes to all the affected interiors AND to the Commonwealth worldspace.


I did just that (and more). It's a lot of work.


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/204808 (Inside Goodneighbor)

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/204834 (Outside Goodneighbor)

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/204993 (Looking out from inside Hotel Rexford, seeing newly made exterior LOD)

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/206737 (Looking out from the Statehouse, seeing newly made exterior LOD)

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/207081 (View from Rexford Penthouse, which is in GN worldspace, looking towards improved exterior LOD showing DC)

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/205395 (View from Rexford Penthouse balcony, looking towards improved GN exterior LOD)


Also if you use exterior LOD for an interior cell to have usable windows, you're practically forced to match its interior dimensions to the exterior, for obvious reasons and with little room for exceptions.

Which further complicates things, naturally.

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