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Is there a way to refresh plugin list in NMM?


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As the title says, I am wondering if there is a way to do this.


Quite often, I handle plugins outside of NMM while NMM is open (windows explorer, wrye bash, BOSS, whatever). Then in order for whatever changes I made to show in NMM, I need to close and restart it.


As all of you probably know, NMM startup can take quite a while, and it seems to randomly fail at automatically signing in, prompting me to enter user id and password manually (this is another thing that I am curious about why it happens), which can be annoying


Anyway, is there a way to refresh the plugin list within NMM? I finally said enough to myself.

Edited by tillicollpase
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Don't think there is a way to refresh the list without having to restart NMM.


The random failing during sign-in doesn't sound quite right though - it fails on me rather infrequently, if not rarely.

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Don't think there is a way to refresh the list without having to restart NMM.


The random failing during sign-in doesn't sound quite right though - it fails on me rather infrequently, if not rarely.

Really? I get this about 1/4 of the time. I just had one too. In fact that's what reminded me to check if this thread had a reply.

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