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It's not down.

Yes it is. That is why people are posting all over the forums about it....SURPRISE!!! I keep checking every few minutes, no response at all.

your system has been compromised. Your being used as a robot. Clean your system


This is on 4g networks through sprint online VIA cellphone dial up, slow as Mal-lases.


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Not too bright are you purr4me? Just because you have a cached version (or the extreme rare amount of ppl that can connect), doesn't magically allow everyone else to connect. Here in the east usa, we have ZERO access to newvegas, but fallout 3 nexus can be opened. Again, i see plenty of threads, including this one of ppl having issues. DOS attack on the site.

btw, to be used by a robot, i would have to disable a few firewalls, remove anti-virus and anti-malware programs to even allow that crap on my computer, much less get used by it. Bother learning how that actually works, and stop just trying to make it up.

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I took that shot at the time and date of the post, and I am not here to get insulted, NOTE: there is time stamps on your post as well as mine. I suggest NOT compromising My good will. Thanks very much. Not constructive in my view. Ny cousins in Florida are on Newvegas right now, I am in southern California. Don't take this any further than you have. you have a bug in your browsers catch. Cookies stored and being refreshed with the bug in it. clean it out and you can connect.


That's how Bright I am. Have a nice day.


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Not too bright are you purr4me? Just because you have a cached version (or the extreme rare amount of ppl that can connect), doesn't magically allow everyone else to connect. Here in the east usa, we have ZERO access to newvegas, but fallout 3 nexus can be opened. Again, i see plenty of threads, including this one of ppl having issues. DOS attack on the site.

btw, to be used by a robot, i would have to disable a few firewalls, remove anti-virus and anti-malware programs to even allow that crap on my computer, much less get used by it. Bother learning how that actually works, and stop just trying to make it up.


Can't you connect at all? I'm getting the odd gateway error but other than that it's fine.

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"I am not here to get insulted"

"I suggest NOT compromising My good will."

"Don't take this any further than you have."


I don't often use the term because I generally detest it, but I lol'd.



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So http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com says the the New Vegas Nexus is now up, but I still can't connect. I'll go ahead and restart my computer and clear browser cache and all that good stuff and see if it helps. I'll come back to let you guys know.


Edit: Once again the site is reportedly up, but I can't seem to connect even after clearing my browser cache, restarting pc, and doing a "hard" refresh CTRL+F5. I'm in Southern California. Also ran a Malwarebytes scan, no threats were indicated.

Edited by GothikaGeist
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