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Adding option for Eyes and Groin in V.A.T.S? (Detail inside)


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Basically, I'm talking about a mod that doesn't replace pre-existing options in V.A.T.S, or adds new ones, but rather extend on the current options. To clarify... imagine you're targeting, say, a raider in V.A.T.S, and you get the standard option for the Head, Body, Left and Right Legs and Arms... but, when you target the Head or the Body, a option dialogue asks you if you want to aim for the Eyes (if the head) or the Groin (if the body), with their own respective modifiers in damage and accuracy.

Aiming for the eyes multiplies the damage to the opponent, very good for opponents with high damage resistance, and raise the chance for a critical hit, yet the chances of hitting it is a lot lower... say, about 40% lower than it would be to target the head. Perhaps have a perk which would allow it to hit 95% of the time, but I digress. You could also add, say, a possibility of blinding the enemy (20%, perhaps modified with perks as well) which reduces their accuracy greatly when blinded.

Aiming for the groin doesn't do anything comical... but it WOULD cause the attack to ignore DR, basically allowing it you to go toe-to-toe with a heavily armed foe. It'd be 20% less accurate than aiming for the body... or more. Perks could modify or remove this accuracy modifier. As for damage modifiers? Perhaps a 2X damage modifier, and maybe it'd cost more AP to target this area? Perhaps the same would apply for aiming for the eyes (maybe a +10 AP requirement for Groin, +20 for the eyes?) I'm just brainstorming here.

To reiterate... it isn't adding a special target zone for the Eyes or Groin, nor is it replacing other parts of the body... it's just having a function call whenever the player targets a certain spot... bonus points if you can use hotkeys to toggle whether or not you WISH to target the groin or the eyes, like Shift + RMB, or toggle with something 'T' or something... anything goes. This function will just call up an option pane which will ask whether or not they wish to target the special area or not, and list the percentage...


Head => Options: Head - 95%; Eyes - 67%

Body => Options: Body - 95%; Groin - 75%

Right Arm => Option: Right Arm - 95%

Left Arm => Option: Left Army - 95%

Right Leg => Option: Right Leg - 95%

Left Leg => Option: Left Leg - 95%



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Targeting different parts in VATS is done by the BSDismemberment modifier so to add different parts you would have to make new BSDismemberment modifiers for everything.

But, if I'm understanding you correctly, you would actually target, for instance, "Torso" then a scripted event on shift+RMB would give you additional option of "Groin" without changing the target in VATS.


An interesting idea. I believe this may be done with GetVATSValue and FOSE's GetKeyPress and/or GetMouseButtonPress. I'm not familiar with modifying VATS so I'm just guessing here. It may be like devinpatterson says and you can't change the option dialogue.

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Alright... so, how about instead of having an option dialogue pop up, just pressing Shift + RMB would cause the player to target the Eyes or the Groin (As in, not changing anything in V.A.T.S, but just modify the damage, hit percentage, and effects (I.E Blindness, or Ignore DR/DT)... however, this would kind of force the shot to the groin or eyes to keep the same percentage that the Head or the Torso has (I.E Aiming for Eyes would have 95% if the Head was 95%) and it may make it a bit... okay, WAY overpowered.

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  • 4 years later...


Its easier the n you think! Stop making excuses for why something cant be done. BE A YES MAN!


Necro'ing a 5 year old post, fail #1. Linking to a fallout 4 mod, fail #2. Telling everyone it can be done with the prideful ignorance of someone without a single published mod, fail #3. That's the trifecta, the hat trick of fails.

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BTW if anyone wants to take a look at this, the vat targets are under body part data->body part->VATS target. They seem to be bone nodes (although I also see a weapon node, and a camera node as options). From there I'm not too sure where to go as there are no targets for eyes, to add. However there is the pelvis (Bip01 Pelvis) that could work for groin, but no part type, unless someone want's to make a exploding groin (terrifying thought).

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Adding bones to skeletons is possible to act as new body part, but there's couple of problems,
- you also need to add body part partition to the mesh as well. Meaning, EVERY armor nif armor should be modified to include extra body part. Otherwise you'll always have 0% chance to hit in VATS.
- There's is a hardcoded amount of conditions in game. Head, brain, left and right arm, left and right leg and torso. That's it. Without some clever scripting, there's no way to add new stuff that will act as conditions.

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