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Paarthurnax is stuck.


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So evey single mod about Paarthurnax on the Nexus is about the Blades quest, and no ones ever seemed to report this issue to my knowledge. During Alduin's Bane Paarthurnax is suppose to help you fight Alduin, but he just sits there on the rock he was on when you arrive. He flys off at the start, then just comes back and sits down again...never moving. Has this ever happened to anyone else? If so how did you fix it? It's not stoping me from finishing the quest...its just really freakin annoying.

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Well, Paarthurnax is supposed to help you attack Alduin, but he's practically useless anyways. The only thing that might help him regain his combat ai during that particular fight is to disable/enable him. Just click on him in the command console, type disable, then close the command console, and enable him. If that doesn't work, make sure he's selected and type "Tai" and "Tcai" which toggles of his AI and his combat ai. Then type in both of those commands again so that he regains his ai and hopefully that works for you. Good luck.

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So evey single mod about Paarthurnax on the Nexus is about the Blades quest, and no ones ever seemed to report this issue to my knowledge. During Alduin's Bane Paarthurnax is suppose to help you fight Alduin, but he just sits there on the rock he was on when you arrive. He flys off at the start, then just comes back and sits down again...never moving. Has this ever happened to anyone else? If so how did you fix it? It's not stoping me from finishing the quest...its just really freakin annoying.


No, the battle is between Dragonborn and Alduin. You are suppose to use the DRAGON REND shout that you learned. Paarthurnax will not help in that - other than to guide you to use the Elder Scroll - but for a lot of reasons that are even mentioned in the game, Paarthurnax does not help you fight Alduin.

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UESP even has a picture of Paarthurnax helping you fight him, it describes him doing so...in Vanilla Skyrim when I first played he helped me...I KNOW hes suppose to help you, I am now convinced this is a common bug that everyone ignores because no one else really cares about it, or just assumes the fight is all about how -special- the DB is...as if the whole game dont do that enough already lol.

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