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Fallout 3 GOTY Edition Disc 2 not being read by disc drive.

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Before anyone says anything, my discs are clean and unscathed, immaculate even. But my driver will NOT read it, I even left it in over night, nothing (Disc 2, Disc one installed with not a one issue). I'm running windows 8 (I know) and HAVE had this installed correctly and completely before (from the same discs) but forgot how I did so (Uninstalled to make room for other games initially, now I want it back). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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check your PC for secure rom ...this is a DRM that gets installed, and you will need to remove that program using their tools from their website. secure rom hurts older Legacy disc drives. before doing a bunch of things , try another type of disc, like a movie disc first, if all media has stopped working where it worked before? then you have that bug on your system.


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check your PC for secure rom ...this is a DRM that gets installed, and you will need to remove that program using their tools from their website. secure rom hurts older Legacy disc drives. before doing a bunch of things , try another type of disc, like a movie disc first, if all media has stopped working where it worked before? then you have that bug on your system.


How/where do I do that? The drive its self is working properly, and I don't think it's very old. It's a Hitachi something or other that comes stock in an Asus G55V. Like I said, I have gotten it to work before (Game and all DLC), but that was over a year ago. My game isn't registered with Steam either, would it help to do so? I'm kinda dumb when it comes to this stuff, but not completely illiterate. Thank you for replying so quickly.

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Go there, Please spend the time and read all of that.

  • download and install this first. (http://download.securom.com/support/removal_tool.zip )
  • there is a diagnostic piece too, you need to verify the games launcher has been removed as that is the source of the DRM, game disc #2 has the updated patch and launcher overwrite, but will not install if secure rom is there, it leaves the original in place. common for the retail game.
  • Bellow is a list of all the games that come with this software so no arguments can be made about this.
  • https://support.securom.com/pop_titles.html
  • you do still need to download the diagnostic and rom installer forst, by doing so out of order, you can verify if the tool does work, later you can use uninstaller pro demo pretrial to remove it after you get your games all up and running. Beware, this is DRM management controls and some games install new DVD/rom drivers too. Those games are not cool.


Edited by Purr4me
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Try the tips listed here: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1465357-installing-fallout-3-with-windows-78-and-xp/

Also, Fallout is not a Steam game. There is no way to register it with steam. After installing the first disc, did you do the 1.7 update? Have you downloaded the new Games For Windows Live?

You say you had the game running but it was over a year ago. Since Windows 8 was released the end of October, 2012(9 months ago), what operating system were you using over a year ago?

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I've seen the installer on disc 2 take several minutes to trigger the UAC prompt before actually running. I DO NOT recommend disabling UAC, but you might give it a moment.


GFWL is required for Fallout 3 (unless you use the Install Tweaker menu in FOMM to install a fake DLL), but the installer doesn't check for it.



You say you had the game running but it was over a year ago. Since Windows 8 was released the end of October, 2012(9 months ago), what operating system were you using over a year ago?


I've been running Fallout 3 and New Vegas on Windows 8 since February of 2012. The OS version is not an issue.



Try the SecuROM remover, and if that doesn't help you might look at getting a Steam copy. The GOTY edition was $5 for a bit during the Summer Sale.

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I have seen reports of the second disk taking up to 5 minutes to finally kick in - Try the safe mode though, it may bypass the DRM check that was put on by someone at Bethsoft that thought it would do something to stop piracy.


Securerom will block a game from installing if you have the perfectly legal program Alcohol installed. :rolleyes:

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