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Jarl's Longhouse/Palace changing room mod


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I would like to see a mod that adds a changing room to all the Palaces and Jarl's longhouses so that someone coming to see the Jarl or anyone in his court can change their clothes to something nice or clean before approaching the court. This is for roleplaying purposes only (unless someone comes up with a solution for my other mod request about cleanliness).


It doesn't make sense if you are coming into the city to see the Jarl to have to rent a room at the inn JUST to change your clothes for the visit to the Jarl or his court, especially if you were not planning on staying for the night. I've read many fantasy novels over the last few years, and in all of them whenever the characters were visiting a king, lord, or other important leader; they would be taken to a private room to clean up and change into clean and/or nicer clothes which many times are provided for them. Why can't we have something similar for Skyrim. It just makes sense.


This might be easier for the palaces than the longhouses because all you need to do is add another door somewhere inside or outside the large palace. The longhouses are kind of tight on space, so I would understand if it couldn't be done for those.

Edited by brianiangoodman
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This should not be difficult, I made a mod some time ago that added showers to inns, so maybe to the Jarl houses a simple trapdoor to a small room with some apparel could do? If it's just for the Jarl homes, it should be easy enough.

Edited by Jokerine
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