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Automation Tools for TES5Edit - Suggestions Thread


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I haven't gotten to the OverrideByIndex problem yet, but I just finished my ArmorModBuilder script. It's pretty powerful. Probably one of my favorite scripts. Clocking in at 1470 lines of awesome, it builds entire armor mods given a meshes folder and a few user variables.




Applying script...

Armor Mod Builder v1.0: Builds armor mods.
Stringlists created.

Preparing Armor Mod file...
Building armor mod in file: ArmorModTest02.esp

Create armor recipes?
Recipes will be created by the script.
Input items and their base counts:
Item #1: IngotOrichalcum
Base count: 6
Item #2: IngotIron
Base count: 3
Item #3: LeatherStrips
Base count: 4
Input conditions and their associated values:
Condition #1: HasPerk
Comparison type: equal to, 10000000
Comparison value: 1.0
Perk: OrcishSmithing
Condition #2: GetItemCount
Comparison type: greater than or equal to, 11000000
Comparison value: 1.0
Item: IngotOrichalcum

Input armor prefix:
Script is using prefix: Warlord
Input armor type:
Armor type: heavy
Input material keyword:
Armor material: ArmorMaterialOrcish
Input base armor protection value:
Armor Protection Value: 42
Input base weight value:
Weight Value: 22
Input gold value:
Gold Value: 1200
Input armor meshes directory:
Script is using directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\meshes\armor\orcish\
Searching for nif files...
Found 29 nif files.

Identifying nif files...
0 unidentified nif files.

Creating armor addon records...
Creating Boots armor addon.
Creating Helmet armor addon.
Creating Cuirass armor addon.
Creating Gauntlets armor addon.
Creating Shield armor addon.

Creating armor records...
Creating Boots armor record.
Creating Gauntlets armor record.
Creating Helmet armor record.
Creating Cuirass armor record.
Creating Shield armor record.

Creating COBJ records...
Creating Boots recipe.
Creating Gauntlets recipe.
Creating Cuirass recipe.
Creating Helmet recipe.
Creating Shield recipe.

Armor mod built. 5 armor pieces created.

[Apply Script done] Processed Records: 1, Elapsed Time: 01:06








Edited by matortheeternal
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Gave the armour builder script a whirl. It doesn't seem to be working that well at all.


The first time I ran it, it didn't generate any armour records, though it did create a .esp as well as the armor and armor addon categories.


Second time, I moved all the .nif files from the subfolders to Data\Meshes, so there were no subfolders. Had to automatically rename some of the files; had (#) at the end of them. The script then generated one set of armour (curaiss, boots, gloves) before the finished message popped up.


For the subfolders, I'd suggest making it so that the created armour records take their editorID from the folders that they came from. So if I had Data\Meshes\ArmourOfJuice\F, the armour records for the meshes in that folder would be called "ArmourOfJuiceF", por ejemplo.


Keep up the good work, you lil' Pascal, you...

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Gave the armour builder script a whirl. It doesn't seem to be working that well at all.


The first time I ran it, it didn't generate any armour records, though it did create a .esp as well as the armor and armor addon categories.


Second time, I moved all the .nif files from the subfolders to Data\Meshes, so there were no subfolders. Had to automatically rename some of the files; had (#) at the end of them. The script then generated one set of armour (curaiss, boots, gloves) before the finished message popped up.


For the subfolders, I'd suggest making it so that the created armour records take their editorID from the folders that they came from. So if I had Data\Meshes\ArmourOfJuice\F, the armour records for the meshes in that folder would be called "ArmourOfJuiceF", por ejemplo.


Keep up the good work, you lil' Pascal, you...


You have to know how it works. Try debug mode.


Some factoids:

- The script recognizes what an armor is by the filename. So if you name your nif files by a scheme which the script doesn't know it won't be able to tag the nif files properly.

- Acceptable naming schemes: boots.nif, bootsf.nif, bootsm.nif, bootsgo.nif, bootsmgo.nif, bootsfgo.nif, bootsgnd.nif, and all of these with the _0 or _1 suffix, the substring female/male/world, and in m/ or f/ subfolders. Same with feet, greaves, gloves, gauntlets, hands, cuirass, outfit, body, helmet, hood, head, shield, and cloak. Helmet/hood/head nifs also are checked for the substrings 'arg', 'orc', or 'kha', for race specific helmet armor add-ons. 1st person nifs are checked for as well (by the substring '1st') when it comes to gauntlets and cuirass nifs.

- nif files with the _0 suffix will be tagged as nif_0s, and won't be used in any records.

- The script will automatically search in the m\ or f\ subfolders if you specify a directory with them. Don't enter a directory including them, just enter the directory that has them. E.g. meshes\armor\glass, not meshes\armor\glass\m

- The script will create armor addon records for Boots, Gauntlets, Cuirass, Helmet, HelmetArg, HelmetOrc, HelmetKha, and Cloak, assuming suitable nif files for each of these is found.

- The script will create armor records for Boots, Gauntlets, Cuirass, Helmet, and Cloak, assuming suitable armor addon records for each of these is found.

- The script will create cobj records for the armor records if the user specified they should be made.



nif file identification in the script code is here.




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The thing is, I've got a bunch of mesh replacers for the vanilla equipment, and...Well, there are quite a few .nif files. Guess I'll bite the bullet and rename them all, I suppose.


On a different note, I gave the new NPC Generator another run-through. When there are no more un-used names, Tes5edit just hangs. I assume some sort of fail-safe has gon awry? Maybe add a prompt that says "No more unique names available. Continue to generate?" with a yes/no choice.


Also, I compiled all the names for the races from UESP. Sorted them into .txt files that are named "RaceGenderNames". There are .txt files that contain last names, which are named "RaceGender"FamilyNames". Ejemplo: ImperialMaleNames, ImperialMaleFamilyNames. You wanty?

The gender prompt still isn't working; gives the same old error when anything is put in.

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The thing is, I've got a bunch of mesh replacers for the vanilla equipment, and...Well, there are quite a few .nif files. Guess I'll bite the bullet and rename them all, I suppose.

This isn't meant to generate replacer armor mods, it only generates completely new ones.


I made it so it could recognize a fair range of naming schemes, I don't think there's anything more you/anyone else can expect of me on that note. I could have been much more strict and said "this only works with one naming scheme, here it is". The way I have it setup now it works out of the box assuming the modders named their files in any way that is logically related to what Bethesda did for their armors. If a modder chose to name things differently that's their fault for not following existing schemes.


On a different note, I gave the new NPC Generator another run-through. When there are no more un-used names, Tes5edit just hangs. I assume some sort of fail-safe has gon awry? Maybe add a prompt that says "No more unique names available. Continue to generate?" with a yes/no choice.

Yeah, I didn't make a fail safe for that, though I did think of it. I just figured that most people would have more than 10 first names and more than 10 last names, which allows for 110 total combinations which exceeds the maximum number of NPCs you can generate. I guess I was wrong?


Also, I compiled all the names for the races from UESP. Sorted them into .txt files that are named "RaceGenderNames". There are .txt files that contain last names, which are named "RaceGender"FamilyNames". Ejemplo: ImperialMaleNames, ImperialMaleFamilyNames. You wanty?

The gender prompt still isn't working; gives the same old error when anything is put in.

That would be cool, yeah, I'd like those text documents. Too bad there's no line breaks in them...


The gender prompt was working when I tested it! :S


Awell, I updated the stuff now. The gender dialog has been fixed (FOR GOOD THIS TIME, DAMNIT), and I implemented some code (which is really messy and concerning to me, but the script still works so... yeah) for when unique names run out. In addition, if the user doesn't specify and NPC file the script will terminate, instead of pretending to be working without one.



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Oh, you wanted line breaks? I modified the formatting so that the names followed the same scheme as the ones you supplied. I'm more than happy to add some formatting if you want.


That's the thing, the replacers go into the same folders as Skyrim's. By replacers, they really are just replacement .nif files. Share the same folder structure, file names and what have you.


And the reason I discovered the failure with the names, is I was aiming to create a bunch of generic-named NPCs, which would be used as cannon fodder. The names were just "Dark Elf", so there was only one word in either text file.

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Oh, you wanted line breaks? I modified the formatting so that the names followed the same scheme as the ones you supplied. I'm more than happy to add some formatting if you want.

My files should have line breaks, but txt documents tend to be weird when it comes to line breaks.


That's the thing, the replacers go into the same folders as Skyrim's. By replacers, they really are just replacement .nif files. Share the same folder structure, file names and what have you.

In which case, you don't need to make an ESP for them. If I understand replacement armor mods right, they don't need ESPs, you just put the nif files in the folders and badabingbadaboom, mod's working.


And the reason I discovered the failure with the names, is I was aiming to create a bunch of generic-named NPCs, which would be used as cannon fodder. The names were just "Dark Elf", so there was only one word in either text file.

You can rename them afterwards using QuickChange v1.7. But I suppose now that I added the new code to the NPC generator you can do them like that from the start as well.




Anywho, thanks for testing out the Armor Mod Builder FiftyTifty, and for giving me feedback on the NPC generator. I may seem to be curt at times, but I really do appreciate it. :)




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No worries bubbo; these scripts will cut down on a shez-load of time, tedium and effort. It would be wrong not to test them.


'Bout the replacer thingy, what I'm trying to do is make another set of armour records from these replacer .nif files. So I would have the vanilla armours as well as the replacers. Very odd that it wouldn't work.


And QuickChange can edit names? YAY! Going to give those Bandit NPCs something less...Obvious.


Edit: Added line breaks to the text files. Also removed a couple of rouge *'s and (?)'s.

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No worries bubbo; these scripts will cut down on a shez-load of time, tedium and effort. It would be wrong not to test them.


'Bout the replacer thingy, what I'm trying to do is make another set of armour records from these replacer .nif files. So I would have the vanilla armours as well as the replacers. Very odd that it wouldn't work.


And QuickChange can edit names? YAY! Going to give those Bandit NPCs something less...Obvious.


Edit: Added line breaks to the text files. Also removed a couple of rouge *'s and (?)'s.


QuickChange can edit anything. As long as you're making the same edit to each selected record, it should work.


What armor do the replacer nif files replace? If you can provide me with the filenames (and f/ or m/ subdirectories) I can look at them and in a heartbeat see if there is anything wrong with their formatting.


And if there's nothing wrong with their formatting the script should 100% work on them.



Edit: Files have linebreaks in wordpad. Excellent! Now I'll see if I can incorporate them into the NPC generator. Hopefully the NPC generator will be making names like awesomesauce when it's released (soon!)


Edit 2: Updated NPC generator yesterday, it now uses the extended names provided by FiftyTifty.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Completely forgot about this thread; was burried in the "My Content" page.


The mesh replacers are for most of the vanilla clothing and armour. 'Twas done through Caliente's BodySlide, found on her CBBE mod. All that happens, is that the .nif files are changed. The file names stay the same.


Edit: And once I've finished reinstalling Skyrim and my mods (For. The. Upteenth. Time. RAGE. MODE.), I'll go ahead and do something nice with the NPCGen script. I'll probably implement a fleshed out mercenary guild that covers most o' Skyrim, or something to that effect.



Before I click the "Save changes" tab, I have but one more request. Wouldst it be possible to take the content of the dialogue lines (I believe the records are called "topics"), find the .xwm files (would probably need to unpack them from the .bsa and place them in Data) and change the names of the .xwm files to the lines of dialogue? For there are many sound files to sort through...


I would be most obliged (again. For the upteenth time.) if you would do such a thing, or guide me down the rocky road of learning to achieve such a goal.


Reason for the request, is that I'm going to edit the quest which handles follower recruitment and the like, enabling nearly every voice type to be elligble for hire, rather than the default six or seven. I can currently do it without dialogue with much ease, but it's just rather jarring to not hear anything from a bunch of your followers.

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