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Bash patch won't auto select my mod.


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I made a mod using Xedit. ESM with ESL flag.

It conflicts with several files so I wanted to bash patch it.

It works, the game runs, it's enabled. But wyre bash won't list it in any of the menu's when the files conflict.

I disable auto mode and manually add the file, make the bash, check xedit and it successfully merged the conflicts.


Why won't it auto detect my mod?

Do I need to do something to it to make the bash program notice it?

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In the plugin's description field you need to add the appropriate bash tags so that Wrye Bash can automatically include it. For more information: https://wrye-bash.github.io/docs/Wrye%20Bash%20Advanced%20Readme.html#patch

So after you add the tags in wyre bash, you then have to select them all, right click the tags, and select automatic.

I found this purely by chance.

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