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Should "not really important" NPCs (like guards, citizens) be named?

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Good afternoon everybody!


I am currently working on a new worldspace mod and I am getting to the point where I start to think about adding some NPCs.


Should NPCs that are not really important (not involved in quests) be named or should they just be named in a generic way (guard, citizen, farmer, ...)?

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Generic names are often used for characters than can be killed and respawned, such as guards. It would be odd to end up killing a named guard, only for him to appear again a few days later; generic names such as "Guard" solves this problem. In terms of civilian characters, I think it's not unreasonable to give non-quest related ones generic names because there's no real point in giving them a name, and realistically you wouldn't really know everyone's name anyway.


It also depends largely on how big the location is. If it's just a small village then yes, it's definitely possible even in real life to get to know everyone's name who lives there. If it's a city though, no.

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Generic names are better because


1. your character has no way of knowing who they are so they shouldn't really have a name

2. (much more important) avoids muddying the environment with loads of NPCs that might be important to the player but actually aren't and you avoid wasting their time.

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