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Just got Skyrim and question about skin texture mods


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I bought skyrim at the Steam Summer sale of course, but when I bought it I had no clue so much modding was going on with this game. I find this a dream as a texture artist. I started installing some mods and trying to figure my way around, but after a few mods of unp body and then sg skins for unp, adding then some sexy nudes for males and male npc's etc it just crashed out my game before I even got to charatcer creation.


First off is there a rhyme or reason to getting mods to not crash the game out? I am only interested in a few environmental mods, nicer trees, water, flowers, simple things and that was all I added. The game really looks nice environmentally to me. My concentration is on npc's, my character, mate eventuallly etc.. Once I added about 6-7 mods for characters, and npc's problems started, never even got to creation of my charatcer because the game would crash out right at that moment. Any tips? I am running 8 gig right now of ram on an i7 4770K and gtx 770 so it's not my rig for sure.



Edited by Ann72
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For whatever reason, character skin mods cause me trouble too. Getting multiples of them to work together is a real pain. I would just install them one at a time, make sure to read the descriptions along the way to find incompatibility notes, and find out which ones are giving you the problem that way. If you manually installed them, you'll have to get your hands dirty, find the textures/meshes etc and delete them. I ended up just using Dimonized/UNP for a long time and recently switched to the big bottom whatever mod (although the slim version).

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I think your installation order is off... perhaps, or just something not compatible... make sure you read the mod pages of what you install.


Also, don't look at your rig... look at Skyrim. The game has limits... It's a 32bit application running under DX9. So basically your rig is way overpower and you will crash at the same limits as someone running a 32bit Windows XP Pro with a 2GB GTX560 on an old Q6600 CPU or something.

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What is the problem ?

Can you list your mods ?


Can not list them anymore because I had to delete my entire Skyrim dl, delete all the mods, and also delete NMM, just to be sure I had everything out. I was 12 hours yesterday trying to get it to work. It's ok, I just want to make sure I do not mess it up again since dl's take so long.


The biggest issue I see is that I may install a few mods through NMM, I am only using that, but even if I uninstalled all of them right at character creation start skyrim it is crashing. When I had not used NMM at all when I first installed the game I had no issues of crashing. I thought NMM was supposed to avoid breaking Skyrim? I know I had Apachii hair, male female, etc I also had unp dimonized body and sg body textures. I know I had some skin smoother that was popular, then a total npc makeover and also some male makeover of all males. I had uninstalled all of the mods I had then started Skyrim and something affects Skyrim files on a perm basis, is this supposed to happen? If so, I do not see why using NMM is any diff than manual install.


I downloaded Skyrim again, but I think this time I will just post the mods I intend to use before installing them to make sure they are going to work together :)

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I think your installation order is off... perhaps, or just something not compatible... make sure you read the mod pages of what you install.


Also, don't look at your rig... look at Skyrim. The game has limits... It's a 32bit application running under DX9. So basically your rig is way overpower and you will crash at the same limits as someone running a 32bit Windows XP Pro with a 2GB GTX560 on an old Q6600 CPU or something.

Rig vs. Skyrim. Thanks for pointing that out. I never thought of it that way, but makes perfect sense to look at the game limits rather than my rig limits since my rig basically has no limits for any modern games at this time.

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