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SKYUI and Legendary Edition


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Does SKYUI work with Legendary edition? I followed the video on the SKSE page and it is not working. I managed to copy and paste the skse files into my Skyrim directory. I then sent the data file from SKSE, as the video does, to my Nexus mod manager. The mod manager however just recognized it as unassigned and when I try to add the file nothing happens. When I attempt to start Skyrim Skse verion the regular Steam panel pops up. Is there some way to get the Legendary to work with SKSE? I really hate the regular UI and was hoping this mod would make it easier to deal with. Regretting buying Skryim at this point.

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  • 5 years later...

i have the same problem, i have Skyrim legendary edition and I've tried installing SKSE but the problem is that it keeps telling me that it cant find SkyrimSE, any help?

You downloaded SKSE64, which is for the Special Edition, instead of just SKSE, which is for the 2011 Skyrim.

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  • 1 year later...

I Think you should reinstall your game . copy all the data and place in another folder as a buackup incase you have another issues . "Delete and copy and place to your data (skyrim legendary edition)"
i Have been experience that issues in my skyrim legendary edition .
.. Download SKSE script extender (installer) = manual installation...
(in my own Opinion) but this method fix my skyrim ..

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