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I have a technical question about how races work in Fallout 4. The first race mod I saw for Fallout 4 was 'Vulpine Race' and on the front end it was very simple: load requirements, load mod, start new game, and then go play. But then I tried the Ikaros mod and that mod was very particular, needing a certain version of looksmenu and needing to navigate it in the proper order to customize the face.


Most of these can be chalked up to the fact that Ikaros is built to have race shifting after starting the game, but the thing that I couldn't figure out was why Ikaros requires a patch for armor and clothing to work. Even vanilla armor require a patch to work. With that said, other race mods seem to work without a compatibility patch. does anyone know why? I am interested in the mechanics of it.


I would ask Trophihunter's discord directly, but I since his discord requires phone verification to chat and discord doesn't like my phone provider, I can't do that.

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You likely need a patch because the custom skeleton is different in some way from the vanilla one, so clothes won't fit without it.

Though I can't post anything from what I read on Trophi's discord, but I can read it. This how it was described for converting clothing and armor.


“if you want to make clothing work with this race load up the esp of this mod and a clothing mod in fo4edit or the CK, I use fo4edit, add the IKAROS-Androids esp as a master to the clothing mod, expand Armor Addon of the clothing mod scroll down to Additional Races and add IKAROSRace "Ikaros Androids"”


Doesn't sound like a skeleton issue. It looks like you have to make a patch that edits the mod's esp to recognize the race mod, which would make sense to me, if it wasn't for the fact that every other race mod I have seen does not needing such action.

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