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Modded weapons resetting when I load a save.


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So, im still pretty new to this modding thing. But im having an issue when I start a new game. As soon as I leave the vault, i receive the "setup" text popups from certain mods, for weapons and options. Asking me if I want them in levelled lists, sold by merchants. Etc. However, when I die, or reload a save. (Saved many times after leaving the vault and doing these setups.) They show up again as soon as im spawned in. Like I never did them the first time. On top of this, any modded weapons I have in my inventory completely disappear. Like the game is constantly resettng the state of all my mods, every time I reload a save. Im almost positive its something I messed up, as I frankly have no idea what im doing. But Iv been at it for 6 hours now and cannot for the life of me find a solution to this.

Edited by AlexTheLion0336
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