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Game Time Clock and Calendar Mod?


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Is it possible to make a mod (or does one exist) where you can display the current time and date on screen as a transient message in the corner (like you get with Frostfall, Realistic Needs and Diseases etc)?


Or maybe a key stroke to toggle on and off?




09:15 AM; Turdas, 27 Last Seed, 4E 201, Day 13


So this shows:

Local time

Day of the week

Month of the year


Number of days since escaping execution at Helgen.


You can get some of this in the sleep menu, but there are times when you cannot wait or rest and having something in the corner is less intrusive.






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This should get anyone wanting to get more advanced on the time/date display a bit of a head start. Been out for a while now. I can't play the game anymore (that computer died) so it's pretty much been opened up as permission free...




One thing that should be noted the date value is off for some reason. A simple addition or subtraction could fix that. I chose instead to remove all but the actual time. The idea for me was more like looking at a simple watch for time of day.

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IsharaMeradin, could you not resurrect that calendar idea? I presume the game always starts on the same date, so if the time is known the date should be calculable, assuming the same number of days per month. Aren't they all 30 days in Tamriel?


The date and time and number of days in-game is calculated by the engine when we save, and I think the name of the month is shown in the sleep menu IIRC, so the problem is getting it to display on-screen with the name of the month rather than 27/09/201 or 22/10/201 in ddmmyyy format.


I have no idea how to do that, though, and no idea where it is stored.



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If there were a way to figure out the math to get just the month bit then one could in theory replace that with the text name.


However, it won't and cannot be done by me for the following reasons.


1. The calendar idea was something I never wanted. I just wanted an in-game clock for those role-playing vampires and wanted to make sure they could be indoors before morning (even tho nothing bad really happens).


2. The computer that could play Skyrim died. While I can start the game with this computer it is so unplayable as to make it not worthwhile. Puts a serious damper on modding as 50% or more of the time is spent in game testing how things work.


3. I borrowed the math calculation to split the time from the total and have no idea how it actually works. It just does.

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