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Economics of Skyrim, but better... and maybe simpler.


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So my idea is based on Economics of Skyrim, but the idea is to better balance the mod that way, it makes more sense. I downloaded Economics just before it was taken down because it's no longer supported. So my request would essentially be a new mod, that's based on Economics of skyrim, but has some different tweaks on merchant stock, and cheaper rental (some places, not required I.E. Riverwood)


I liked how economics of skyrim attempted to stamp out Enchanted Items, so with this request, I would like primarily take out items that have ANYTHING to do with magic, from most traders, except Riverwood (he has basic spells) this puts more emphasis on getting magic from the source. Also I'd like to skimp up the inventory from the Jarl wizards, as most have specific magic branches... for example the Morthal wizard has only basic spells on other schools of magic and the rest conjuration (master level). So for example, if you find Morthal first, you character will most likely specialize in conjuration (I use Random Alternate start so I find different cities before others. Sometimes my character will altogether be complete oddity (I.e. a Woodelf that sucks a archery or single handed weapons, because I found only 2-handed weapons at first .


Khajit traders also may have some apprentice level spells, and enchanted items, as well as the one of the few who will sell lockpick or two. (Khajit respect their wizards, they get items none else does).


Lockpicks- Make your own (if you have the mod), join the thieves guild, or find the fences. They are rarely found in stores, and are more likely found off dead bodies or loot before you'd find them in any old merchant.

also some rebalancing.


Rent- Rent isn't 100 GP but more like 20 or 30 GP. With except Riverwood, which is free (they say it is, it felt silly paying after they said, sure!!! I don't mind!).

General Stores- General stores are still you're basic pawn shops. However they don't often carry weapons beyond what you sell them... like a handful, and mostly low level. Most stores have a best case scenario of "+10%, -40%" that is the price you buy from them is bloated its lowest by a factor of 10% (with maximum speech and perks and everything you would do to "get better prices"), and sold a 40% base value. The General Stores "Pawn Shops" sell them a staggering "original price, -30 or 20%), so you'll make very little dumping on a general store. They also have a very low refresh rate (it would be nice if they could somehow keep what you sold them indefinitely while they refresh stock).

Peddlers and Khajitt are, in a sense, general stores.


Optional- General stores sell items not seen by most stores across skyrim, like tents, bedrolls, etc. Support for some items not seen in stores from mods like Frostfall, Backpacks, etc.


And no one wants magic junk or sells it much. Except for khajiit, they will often take stuff like that if you don't mind the cheap prices (you're better off disenchanting and selling to merchant somewhere else). Riverwood will sell the "Old spell books" but wont take any back or refresh with new spells.


I may think of some price tweaks for the actual vanilla items, but at the moment.

I'm thinking the Tents should be bought a high prices like 3000-4000 GP (large), 1200-1500 GP (Small), with actual tanning rack at around (500 GP), and Enchanting "supplies" at like the same price or double the small tent.



---These are all ideas though, I just feel I would like to see a more balanced version of Economics of Skyrim, with some of the same attributes. But without the ridiculous prices which make stuff like buying a horse or house ridiculously easy. One could also try an compensate by bloating the house and horse prices.








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I don't really buy "nobody wants magic junk". People of Skyrim would rather have an ordinary sword than one that sets people on fire or banishes Daedra or makes enemies flee? I doubt it, somehow. Also, at the College of Winterhold, Sergius Turrianus claims that there is great demand for enchantments.


Other than that, this could be a great mod.

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I might have it still I'll check to tonight, but I must say. I used it with skyRe and a few other realism mods, like I forget the name, but it drastically increased the amount of produce and ingredients I could get from certain sources.

For example it made it where I could get 7-9 mountain flowers from a bush. Up to 4-5 snowberries. Which is handy as it takes 15-16 to make some useful potions in Frostfall. Left some unchanged though like Nirnroot, Cabages, and leeks which on deal out an appropriate 1 per plant.


As the post above I would agree, with you. However, it is impossible or hard from what I hear to change the prices of enchanted wares to make them appropriate. So they would turn up cheap relative to the unenchanted counterpart. So appropriate alternative is to make them rare. Hard to find, on a store.


The reason I didn't like Economics of skyrim was the fact that it was a bit overbalanced pricewise and made game easier. All you had to do was find a piece of jewelry or a circlet and you were set. That is, you could buy a house, buy a pick or make one (if you have the mod) and make everything you could ever want. Just seemed to easy. Not to mention the prices were so you could bankrupt a merchant just by selling one piece. And like 10 wheat 45 GP amounted to a fortune.


It would be nice to see Skyrim have a different monetary system as well like Gold, Silver, and copper pieces. That way it would make it more immersive, sort of like Dragon Age's money. But this also would call for a mod like becoming a shopkeeper. Where you could choose you market and GP would trickle down as you loose your loot slowly.

Edited by ViolinWriter
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It would be nice to see Skyrim have a different monetary system as well like Gold, Silver, and copper pieces. That way it would make it more immersive, sort of like Dragon Age's money. But this also would call for a mod like becoming a shopkeeper. Where you could choose you market and GP would trickle down as you loose your loot slowly.


I was actually trying to make this mod. But I ran into a slight snag. The New coins (which were just recolored versions of the original coin) would go into your inventory instead of adding to your total gold count. I thought I had figured it out by making the new coins like the coin purses that you find. That kind of worked. But there were two problems with it. The first was that, if you were to pick up a gold coin which was worth 100 (copper would be worth 1) I t would say added 100 copper, instead of 1 gold. The other issue was that I couldn't add them to chests and such since they were technically flora (the coin purses were in the flora section). If anyone wants to try and help me figure this mod out feel free to message me.


Oh and for those why want to download Economics of SKyrim here is the link http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/1146-economics-of-skyrim/

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What's the story with Economics of Skyrim? Was it taken down because it damages games or because it is not compatible with 1.93, or both?


I'd still like to use it but I don't wanna set myself up for an unfinishable game.

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You know what idea I've always liked and wished Economics of Skyrim had?


The ability to exchange gold for promissory notes like in Bank of Skyrim (link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17985//?). Basically you swapped coins for paper markers for when you're using a mod that gives realistic weight to coins. Was just that extra bit of immersion that I love for some reason.

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It would be nice to see Skyrim have a different monetary system as well like Gold, Silver, and copper pieces. That way it would make it more immersive, sort of like Dragon Age's money. But this also would call for a mod like becoming a shopkeeper. Where you could choose you market and GP would trickle down as you loose your loot slowly.


I was actually trying to make this mod. But I ran into a slight snag. The New coins (which were just recolored versions of the original coin) would go into your inventory instead of adding to your total gold count. I thought I had figured it out by making the new coins like the coin purses that you find. That kind of worked. But there were two problems with it. The first was that, if you were to pick up a gold coin which was worth 100 (copper would be worth 1) I t would say added 100 copper, instead of 1 gold. The other issue was that I couldn't add them to chests and such since they were technically flora (the coin purses were in the flora section). If anyone wants to try and help me figure this mod out feel free to message me.


Oh and for those why want to download Economics of SKyrim here is the link http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/1146-economics-of-skyrim/



I don't know why it got taken down, but I can tell you that it damaged my game. It was causing items that I picked up to not go to my inventory, but also disappear from the ground as if I had picked them up, so they effectively ceased to exist. This also happened if I dropped an item from my inventory and tried to pick it up again. From around level 1-19 I had no problems, but around level 20 for some reason it began to manifest that bug. Running ONLY economics at that point continued to create that bug, but disabling it fixed it.

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I'd love to see an update to Economics of Skyrim. It sounds like an awesome mod, especially having regional items and pay more for items from other areas.

I'm working on a mod called Trade Routes that offers regional pricing like EoS had, except more fully developed for the specific purpose of creating a network of profitable trade routes. Hopefully I'll have it ready for testing in the next few weeks, keep an eye on the forums if you're interested.

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