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Dear Nexus, please stop ruining modding.


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Seriously Nexus, due to your messed up rules essentially claiming control and ownership over mod authors' mods, you are driving extremely talented people away. This used to be a good place where people proudly shared their creations. Now it's going down the tubes. Go back to the way it was.

Dear Nexus, please stop ruining modding.

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Don't hold your breath. Things are going exactly as I expected them to. The major furor has died down, the deadlines have passed, a selection of authors have pulled their work, and now, life goes on. Nexus has zero motivation to change course.


What is REALLY funny though, is Nexus took these steps in support of 'collections', which hasn't been released yet. Just some announcement that 'they are working on it', no clue when it is gonna hit the wild, or even IF it will. At this point, Nexus has destroyed the trust they have built over a decade or more of supporting mod authors, for a project that they aren't even sure when it will come out.

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